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10 Animated Comic Book Movies That Seriously Outdid Live-Action*

  • Animated comic book adaptations allow for more straightforward storytelling and faithful adaptations of source material.
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse excels in showcasing a multiverse storyline with three-dimensional characters and stunning animation.
  • Animation has given new life to classic comic book stories, such as The Death of Superman, in a way live-action films have struggled to achieve.
Animation has a lot of benefits over traditional live-action filmmaking when it comes to comic book movie adaptations, as clearly demonstrated by the different films that adapt the same stories and characters. From the one-off animated films of the Marvel universe to the incredible variety of the DC Animated Universe, the medium has a lengthy history with the superhero genre that nearly eclipses the popularity of live-action films. In many cases, comic books make the transition from the page to the screen much more smoothly via animation.
There are several major advantages animated movies have over their live-action counterparts that can explain this. For one, since they target a more niche audience, animated films don't have to contend with the studios for creative control as much, and are able to present more straightforward adaptations of their source material. Practically speaking, animation also makes it much easier to depict the more fantastic elements of comic book storytelling without relying on the unreliable CGI of MCU films or gambling on practical effects.

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