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Loki Season 2 Trailer Confirms 8 MCU Characters*

Marvel Studio"s D23 footage confirmed 8 MCU characters returning for Loki season 2. When audiences last left Loki, Sylvie had just killed He Who Remains, freeing the sacred timeline and paving the way for Kang the Conquerer.
Despite being in the midst of filming, Marvel Studios released an actual trailer for Season 2 exclusively for D23 Expo attendees, confirming just who will be joining Loki for his second time-traveling tale. 
The Cast of Loki Season 2Loki season 2 is set to bring back a lot of the cast from the first season of Loki, including some additional new faces to the MCU. This is all the returning cast members the D23 footage confirmed for Loki season 2:
1. Loki (Tom Hiddelston) MarvelThe titular god himself! Tom Hiddleston will reprise his role as Loki Odinson.
Season 1 found Loki trying to escape and then take over the TVA, while he dealt with his feelings for a female version of himself from the multiverse, Sylvie.
In the trailer, the God of Mischief is trying to warn others about the coming of Kang, all while navigating a new TVA, his own woes, and new points in time. 
2. Mobius (Owen Wilson) MarvelLoki"s partner in time, played by Owen Wilson, is back for Season 2. However, he may not be the same Mobius that the audience - and Loki - remembers. 
The trailer suggested that, just like how the Season 1 finale teased, this Mobius M. Mobius has no memory of his adventure with Loki and may be yet another Variant. 
But even so, he"s still along for the ride, joining Loki at the TVA for more lunchtime talks and even at an old-school red carpet premiere.
A recent rumor has indicated that Mobius will make an appearance in Deadpool 3, indicating Mobius could live through season 2.
3. Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) MarvelWhile Season 1 of Loki ended with Sophia Di Martino"s Sylvie at the Citadel at the End of Time, the D23 footage confirms she won"t be there for long. 
While her appearance in the trailer is brief, audiences get the impression from her weary appearance that killing He Who Remains wasn"t the end of her problems but perhaps the beginning. 
4. Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) MarvelAnother character who made a brief appearance in the trailer but should have plenty of stories to tell is Ravonna Renslayer played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw. 
Judge Renslayer"s Season 1 role concluded when she left to find the only person who gets free will. 
Since He Who Remains is no more and Kangs are on the rise, it will be interesting to see where her quest and this new set of circumstances lead her. 
5. Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) MarvelWunmi Mosaku"s Hunter B-15 was an enemy turned ally by the end of Season 1. But again, just like Mobius, this Hunter B-15 doesn"t appear to know Loki or be the same Variant that he knew from the first season. 
6. Ke Huy Quan"s Mystery Character Everything Everywhere All at OnceIn addition to the trailer, the announcement of Goonies and Indiana Jones actor Ke Huy Quan was the biggest surprise of Loki"s portion of the presentation. 
Even though Marvel has yet to reveal just who the Everything Everywhere All at Once star will be playing, his mystery character was featured in the footage as a TVA archivist with his own distinct and specialized office space. 
7. Casey (Eugene Cordero) MarvelTVA clerk Casey, played by Eugene Cordero, has also returned for Loki"s sophomore season and was briefly shown in the D23 footage as well. 
But this time, not only does he not know what a fish is, he seems clueless about the show"s previous events, just like Mobius and Hunter B-15. 
8. Kang the Conqueror (Jonathan Majors) MarvelWhile Jonathon Majors" Kang the Conqueror is confirmed to appear in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Loki"s new trailer didn"t show Majors" villain (or villains) in the flesh. However, he was shown in a different form. 
In what appeared to be an attempt to convince Mobius and Hunter B-15 about Kang, Loki is seen smashing through a mosaic depicting the Timekeepers, revealing a carved relief of Kang the Conqueror. 
It"s possible that this statue won"t be the last of what audiences see of Kang. But whether Majors appears as the actual time-traveling tyrant, however, remains to be seen. 
Other Familiar Faces to Join Loki Season 2? Not only is Loki the only MCU Disney+ series to date to have received a second season, but it may be the most pivotal project Marvel Studios has released within Phase 4. 
After all, Loki introduced audiences to the Multiverse, Kang the Conqueror, Variants, and the like; and, this current phase and beyond has been coined the Multiverse Saga. 
Given its importance, it"s possible that other Marvel characters could appear - or their Variants - could appear. 
After all, now that the Multiverse has been freed and audiences don"t know when or where Loki"s new TVA is located, the possibilities are endless. 
As the MCU dives deeper into its Multiverse Saga, Loki Season 2 is definitely the project to watch as the studio sets the stage ahead of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars
Season 2 of Loki is set to debut on Disney+ in the Summer of 2023. 

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