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James Gunn Discusses Why Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Will Be the Next DCU Movie After Superman*

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.James Gunn unpacked why he decided to make Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow the followup film to Superman. The film will star House of the Dragon"s Milly Alcock as Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, the "older" cousin of Clark Kent/Superman. Per Omelete (translated from Portuguese via Comic Book Resources), Gunn chose Supergirl to helm the DCU"s second film due to the quality of its script:
"I didn"t necessarily know that Supergirl would be the second film we would make, but Ana [Nogueira] wrote an incredible script, and then we hired an incredible director, and we"re going to make this film after Superman because he was the best option. Other films were written, but they weren’t as good as this one. So let"s continue with this rhythm. Everything has to be good. Quality comes first in every project we do. And this is more important than telling a grandiose mega-narrative."

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