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Marvel Is Already Laying Out the Future For Channing Tatum"s Gambit, Setting Up His Next MCU Gig*

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for TVA #1
Marvel Comics" new MCU-connected TVA series lays out an exciting potential future for Channing Tatum"s Gambit. As seen in 2024"s Deadpool & Wolverine, Channing Tatum finally got to play Remy LeBeau after years of his movie being trapped in development hell, appearing alongside other variants trapped in the Void at the End of Time. Now, the comics have revealed a very exciting possibility for Tatum"s Gambit.
Coming from Loki season 2 writer Katharyn Blair and artist Pere Pérez, Marvel"s new TVA #1 stars the very same Time Variance Authority seen on-screen in the MCU, confirming that the organization operating outside of time and space has access to both the live-action Earth-616 and the original comics universe. As such, Agent Mobius and B-15 have recently recruited multiple variants without timelines in the wake of Loki"s destruction of the Temporal Loom, such as the comics" Spider-Gwen of Earth-65. However, B-15 also makes a point to recruit a variant of Gambit to the TVA as well:
This new Gambit doesn"t appear to be the same one played by Channing Tatum in Deadpool & Wolverine, seeing as how he seemingly had a home timeline and even a Rogue whom he lost. However, this new Gambit variant very much serves as a proof-of-concept for the live-action Remy, as this series is essentially MCU-canon adjacent (thanks to the multiverse).
The TVA Recruiting Channing Tatum's Gambit Could Be A Very Exciting Just Like This New Gambit Variant Close In exchange for kitchen privileges to make beignets, Gambit agrees to join the TVA"s new team of variants, inspired by Mobius and B-15 work with Loki. This team includes Spider-Gwen, Captain Carter, Wolverine"s son Jimmy Hudson from the old Ultimate Universe, and a TVA intern named Ingrid. To that end, it"s not hard to see the TVA continuing this initiative down the line with live-action variants, like Channing"s Gambit.
Related 10 Best Gambit Quotes In X-Men Movies & TV Shows Gambit has had a handful of appearances across Marvel movies and TV shows, but despite not having more screentime, he has some spectacular lines.
Posts 2 Shown on the TVA monitors in the Deadpool & Wolverine"s post-credits, Ryan Reynolds later released the full sequence where it"s implied Tatum"s Gambit survives the battle in the Void and escapes via a classic sparkle portal. As such, it does seem like it"s only a matter of time before we see Gambit again in the MCU"s future. Likewise, the live-action Gambit did say he wasn"t sure where he comes from, and that he might have even been born in the Void (a meta-nod to his movie never being made). As such, he could certainly be a homeless variant without a timeline ripe for TVA recruitment.
Marvel's New MCU-Connected Comic Series Has Me Hopeful For Gambit's Future When Will Gambit Appear Next? With luck, we"ll be seeing Channing Tatum"s Gambit in the MCU sooner rather than later. Regardless of whether he"ll end up working for the TVA or not, it"s a lot of fun to see this other Gambit acting as a prime example to show the potential of what could happen for the live-action Remy in the future. Whether it"s in his own movie or simply a new appearance in something like Avengers: Secret Wars, Tatum"s Gambit absolutely deserves to be seen again.
TVA #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.
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27 8.3/10 Loki Having escaped from a different timeline, Loki stars in his own titular series, where he learns about the life of his predecessor and discovers the truth of time and space. In the show, Loki reluctantly becomes a part of the Time Variance Authority (TVA), an interdimensional governing body that keeps time in order. On the chopping block, Loki is given a chance to save himself by helping the TVA hunt down someone more dangerous than himself - another Loki.
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339 9/10 Deadpool & Wolverine A follow-up to the highly successful Deadpool and Deadpool 2 films starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with a Mouth. The third film will be the first in the franchise to be developed under the Marvel Studios banner following Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox.

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