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The Batman"s Spinoff Just Set An Even Higher Bar For The DC World"s Joker*

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Penguin season 1 finale.
After the incredible exploration of Oz Cobb in The Penguin, Matt Reeves" Batverse just set the bar higher than ever for their upcoming Joker introduction. In 2022, Matt Reeves delivered a new take on the age-old Batman story on the outskirts of the DCU, with Robert Pattinson donning the cowl and patrolling the cesspit that is Gotham City. Along with Pattinson"s Bruce Wayne, a handful of villains were introduced, with Paul Dano"s Riddler set up as the central antagonist. However, characters like Oz Cobb, aka the Penguin, and Falcone"s were also introduced.
While the debut of these characters was tantalizing and profound, the spin-off show, The Penguin, took things to a whole other level. Without Batman to rein things in, villains like Oz ran wild and free, reshaping the criminal underworld in Gotham, and things got incredibly dark. With Colin Farrell"s take on Oz Cobb"s eventually descending to the point of no return, performing unspeakable acts, it makes things more challenging for the upcoming Joker introduction in The Batman Part II.
The Penguin's Villain Depiction Sets A Higher Bar For The Batman's Joker The Joker Needs To Step Up His Game Close While there are plenty of Rogues in Gotham, Joker is on another level in terms of his violence, cruelty, anarchy, and criminal behavior. In pretty much every depiction of the character, he is the most heinous and terrifying person to appear in any given setting. This makes him a tremendous rival for Batman, as it pushes The Dark Knight to the edge of his moral code, forcing him to question the ethics of keeping the Joker alive. But with Reeves" Batverse already establishing Penguin as an absolutely despicable villain with no real moral code, it will be a challenge to make the Joker a more intimidating villain.

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