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"A Batman And Robin Dynamic": The Penguin And Victor Aguilar"s Relationship Broken Down By Showrunner*

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.The Penguin showrunner Lauren LeFranc recently opened up about the decision to include Rhenzy Feliz"s Victor Aguilar in the series.
In an interview with Comic Book Resources, LeFranc explained:
I was really interested in a mentor-mentee relationship for Oz. I think in the criminal world, young men are brought up and sort of raised into it, and I think questions like why a kid like Victor would be interested in a world like this, and I always viewed their first interaction as a distorted, neat-cute. I did think when I first started to come up with Victor and this concept, "Why doesn"t Oz get a Robin? Batman gets one."
That is sort of where I started: that Oz himself would say that he is deserving of a mentee and to shepherd somebody in. I also thought about the power dynamic: it"s no accident that Oz has taken a kid like Victor under his wing because he likes being seen as powerful, and he knows that someone like Victor sees him as such. It"s more distorted – the idea of traditionally a villainous character bringing someone into his world is just sort of a different take in my mind than a Batman and Robin dynamic.

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