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DC Killed Off The Biggest Robin Theory For The Batman In One Brutal 2-Minute Scene*

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Penguin season 1 finale.
While The Penguin remains outside the DCU in the Elseworlds of Matt Reeves" independent Batman universe, it did a lot to set up connecting elements in that universe, just definitely not setting up Robin. Matt Reeves has managed to create a universe of DC stories that has survived the changeover, with James Gunn stepping in and setting up the DCU. Along with his The Batman film which was widely praised and critically acclaimed, Reeves has also produced spin-off shows to build out his version of Gotham.
And while the first spin-off, The Penguin, did not feature any direct appearances from Robert Pattinson"s Batman, it did lead fans to speculate about other connections that the show was setting up ahead of The Batman 2. Most notably, a theory that Victor Aguilar, a young man who Oz employs as his associate and trainee, could have evolved to become Batman"s sidekick, Robin. But the finale of The Penguin pretty clearly debunks this theory in one intense two-minute scene.
Victor Aguilar's Death Disproves The Batman Robin Theories Around Him In Brutal Fashion Victor Met A Brutal End In The Penguin Close After being shown to be an extremely resourceful and intelligent young man, Victor"s time in the Reeves Batverse was cut short. Despite Oz and Victor struggling to fully trust each other throughout the series, the finale sees the pair sitting together, looking out over Gotham, and expressing their mutual appreciation and affection for one another. Victor tells Oz that he sees him as family, and while Oz appreciates this sentiment and reciprocates it, it starts a violent chain reaction of events.

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