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Jensen Ackles Looks Perfect As Batman In New Art And Now I Need Him To Join James Gunn"s DC Universe*

With fans still wanting to see Jensen Ackles be cast as Batman for The Brave and The Bold, new DC Universe art makes a stronger case for him to play the Dark Knight. As James Gunn"s DC Universe is on its way, Batman will be one of the major new heroes to get reimagined for the big screen, with the world actively wanting to know who will play the next Caped Crusader in live-action. Ackles has continued to be a top choice to play Batman for DC Studios, with the concept still being consistently suggested by fans as a viable possibility.
While The Brave and The Bold has yet to land a release or filming start date, Buffy2Ville shared artwork of what Ackles could fully look like as Gunn"s Batman in the upcoming continuity. Ackles, who has stated numerous times that he would love to play Batman in live-action, has voiced the Gotham City hero through the short-lived Tomorrowverse animated franchise that ended earlier this year. Check out the full art of Ackles in the bat-suit below:
What The Jensen Ackles As Batman Art Means Close Even though the DC Universe casting for Batman has not started yet, seeing artwork pieces and concept trailers of Ackles as the new Bruce Wayne highlights how popular this idea is with many fans. Since The Brave and The Bold movie is set to feature a version of Batman who is already established in this franchise, as well as the father of the yet-to-be-introduced-Damian Wayne, having an established actor like Ackles playing that part is very fitting. When it comes to landing a star as the next live-action incarnation of Batman, the DC Universe definitely has one of the biggest challenges coming up for itself.
Whoever gets to play Batman will be committed to the franchise for quite some time beyond just The Brave and The Bold, as the new DC Universe aims to be the equivalent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With Ackles" name always driving up a lot of support when conversations happen about the DC Universe"s Batman movie, it wouldn"t be shocking if Gunn and DC Studios were at least aware of this idea.
Given that The Brave and The Bold is seemingly not going into production anytime soon, Ackles" chances are at least not closed, especially if DC Studios is still finalizing their vision for how Batman will be tackled in the reboot. Since David Corenswet"s popularity as a Superman fancast appears to have potentially factored into his casting, it"s possible Ackles" consistent popularity could also allow him to be at least considered for the role.
Our Take On The Jensen Ackles As Batman Art While Ackles" Batman casting chances for the DC Universe are up in the air, given how many projects he has coming up, seeing fans still support this idea shows that his casting would definitely be well-received. Given his long-time work with Warner Bros. through his time on Supernatural and other projects, it would be a shame if DC Studios didn"t at least have Ackles as a major consideration. But for now, time will tell if the actor ends up getting at least the chance to audition for The Brave and The Bold once DC Studios actually starts the casting process.

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