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Harley Quinn Season 5 Episode 2 Recap, Easter Eggs And Ending Explained*

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Harley Quinn Season 5, episode 2Harley Quinn Season 5, episode 2 sees Harley and Ivy getting used to their new lives in Metropolis. However, a surprise from Ivy"s past will likely put a key strain on their relationship. Also, while Lena Luthor has been helping Harley and Ivy with their new status quo shift, her true reasons and motives remain a mystery (as she"s likely not just helping them out of the goodness of her heart).
As seen at the end of Harley Quinn Season 5"s premiere, Harley and Ivy decide to permanently move from Gotham to Metropolis. Wanting a fresh start for their lives, Ivy is now working with Lena Luthor to help run Metropolis" new green initiative. However, Ivy"s new job is already off to a rocky start thanks to the return of a major face from her origins as Pamela Isley. With that in mind, here"s our recap, ending explainer, and all the biggest Easter eggs/references we found in Harley Quinn Season 5, episode 2.
Harley Quinn Season 5, Episode 2 Recap "Back to School"
  • Harley and Ivy move into their new penthouse, generously furnished by Lena Luthor
  • King Shark brings his kids for Harley to babysit, while Ivy goes to Metropolis University
  • Ivy discovers the Green Initiative is run by Doctor Jason Woodrue, her old professor
  • Despite her complicated past with Woodrue, Ivy agrees to work with Jason at Lena’s request.
  • Lena invites Harley and the kids to the Vincent Edge Club, where Harley runs into Bane, Goldilocks, and Betty, who also live in Metropolis.
  • Ivy’s past with Woodrue is revealed, confirming their past romance, and that Woodrue was responsible for Ivy’s creation after he tried stealing her work (Frank the Plant) and killing her with toxins.
  • Harley wants to become a club member, but King Shark’s kids go on a feeding frenzy.
  • Poison Ivy traps Woodrue in the lab with toxins, giving him the same chance he gave her.
  • Despite the chaos, Lena forces Vincent to make Harley a member.
  • Back home, Ivy doesn’t tell Harley about Jason and what she did. Meanwhile, Jason is teased to have survived with a plant-human transformation of his own.
Harley Season 5 Episode 2 Ending Explained: What Happened To Doctor Woodrue? Becoming DC’s Floronic Man Discovering that Doctor Jason Woodrue is leading the green initiative at Metropolis University, flashbacks reveal Ivy"s complex history with her old professor who was involved in her transformation from Pamela Isley to the plant/human hybrid and eco-terrorist Poison Ivy. Wanting revenge, Poison Ivy leaves Woodrue locked in a room filled with various toxins and chemicals, the same way he once left her. Leaving the university behind thinking she killed Woodrue, it will likely come as a big surprise when Ivy discovers that Woodrue survived.

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