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F*ck No!" Endgame Directors Reveal Their Initial Response To Returning For Avengers: Secret Wars, Before Finding The Story They Needed To Tell*

Avengers: Secret Wars receives an exciting tease as its directors explain why they took on the Marvel Cinematic Universe project. The Russo Brothers have directed many of the MCU"s best movies, including two of Chris Evans" Captain America films and the last two Avengers entries. When Marvel decided to scrap Kang the Conqueror as the Multiverse Saga"s main villain, the studio announced that the Russos would return to the franchise to helm both Avengers: Doomsday — previously titled The Kang Dynasty — and Avengers: Secret Wars. The duo now explain why the latter convinced them to come back.
Speaking with Empire, the Russo Brothers teased Avengers: Secret Wars" story and how they arrived at it. Anthony Russo revealed that the directors had conversations with Marvel Studios in the years since Avengers: Endgame, but they never worked to get them back on the MCU"s slate of projects until Secret Wars. He claims they stumbled on a story they needed to tell with the movie. Joe Russo shares the same sentiment, revealing he called Stephen McFeely, the co-writer of Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame, about Secret Wars. After initially saying they should not do it, McFeely conceived the idea for the film. Check out the full quote below:
Anthony Russo: “We’re very close with Kevin [Feige] and Lou [D’Esposito, Marvel Studios’ Co-President] and the entire Marvel team, and we’ve had conversations through the years. We’ve talked about a lot of ideas. Really, what happened was, we ended up stumbling upon an idea that activated all of us. You couldn’t see it coming until it came, and once it came it was like, ‘Well, that’s a story we need to tell.’
Joe Russo: "There were ideas that we were trying to wrap our heads around that preceded this one, and we just never found the story. I remember calling Steve [McFeely, co-writer of the Russos" MCU movies] and said, ‘Hey, crazy idea. What do you think if we all go back and do Secret Wars?’ You were like, ‘Fuck no. Absolutely not.’ And then you hung up. And the next morning, at 7.30, you called and were like, ‘Alright, I have an idea.’"
What The Russo Brothers’ Avengers: Secret Wars Comments Mean The MCU Movie's Story Has To Be Special Close Interestingly, both directors noted how Marvel stayed in contact with them about developing other projects in the years since Avengers: Endgame. That is not surprising, as the Russo Brothers" MCU movies all had an overwhelmingly positive reception, and three out of four grossed at least $1 billion at the box office. While neither Marvel nor the directors have revealed which movies they talked about, one of them is easy to guess. Recently, the announcement that Hayley Atwell is back as Peggy Carter in Avengers: Doomsday revealed that a standalone movie featuring Peggy and Chris Evans" Steve Rogers was canceled.
Related Chris Evans' Avengers: Doomsday Return Can Lead To All 4 MCU Team-Ups I'm Convinced Are Needed To Justify Bringing Back Steve Rogers Chris Evans is coming back to the MCU in Avengers: Doomsday, and Captain America"s reported return can be justified by important MCU reunions.
Posts The report claimed that a story for the project could not be worked out, which fits what Joe Russo said about working on previous ideas that they "just never found the story" for. As for Avengers: Secret Wars, the Russos" explanation of how they ended up taking on the ambitious film is exciting. While some fans have complained that someone else should have directed the film, the Russos are showing that they are not in it for a "cash grab" as some suggest. It all comes down to the story, and the Russos believe they have gold in their hands.
Our Take On The Russo Brothers’ Avengers: Secret Wars Comments The Anticipated Multiverse Saga Finale Has To Be Epic Close The Russo Brothers have a daunting task ahead. The Multiverse Saga has not been as well-received as the MCU"s Infinity Saga, but Avengers: Secret Wars needs to be on the same level as Endgame, if not better. If the film is anything like the comics in terms of scope, then several fan-favorite MCU and multiverse characters will appear, with a possible MCU reboot at the end of the film. Given how the Russos claim they stumbled on the perfect story that got them and Marvel excited about the film, I believe that Avengers: Secret Wars will be epic.
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Avengers: Secret Wars SuperheroActionAdventure Avengers: Secret Wars is the sixth Avengers film and takes place during phase six of Marvel's Cinematic Universe. The film will see several heroes from the prior phases return and battle against a cosmic threat to rival Thanos, and borrows elements of the Marvel Comics event of the same name.
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Release Date May 7, 2027 Source: Empire

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