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Reacher’s Alan Ritchson Is The DCU’s Perfect Batman In Epic New DC Art*

Alan Ritchson becomes the Batman of James Gunn"s DC Universe in exciting new DC art. After recent rumors suggested that Robert Pattinson"s Bruce Wayne could move to the DCU, The Brave and the Bold Batman movie director Andy Muschietti has claimed that will not happen. This opens the door to other popular names who have emerged for the role to have a real shot at playing DC"s Dark Knight. After making his desire to play the hero known, Reacher"s main star would be great as Bruce Wayne in the DCU"s slate of projects.
On Instagram, artist @spdrmnkyxxiii shared his depiction of what Alan Ritchson could look like as the DCU"s Batman.
The fan art has the Reacher star in an armored, modern Batsuit. Interestingly, the artist also chose to give Ritchson"s version of the character Batman"s signature white eyes from DC Comics, which look great and have not been used that much in live-action. After Batman appeared in the animated series Creature Commandos and the Pattinson rumors were debunked by the director of the hero"s DCU movie, Ritchson"s chances of being added to the list of live-action Batman actors have grown.
What Alan Ritchson’s Batman Casting Would Mean The Actor Has Made His Desire To Play Batman Clear Close Alan Ritchson"s Batman casting would ensure that the DCU version of the hero looks the same in live-action as it did in animation. Batman had a brief role in Creature Commandos. First, the Dark Knight appeared alongside other deceased heroes in a nightmare sequence. Not much could be seen of the hero, as Batman"s long cape covered his body. However, Creature Commandos episode 6 brought Batman back, with the DC hero looking massive. While Gunn said that DCU characters could face design changes from animation to live-action, Ritchson"s physique is compatible with the animated Batman.

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