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Tom Welling Addresses His Least Favorite Storyline In Smallville: "I Hated It"*

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.Tom Welling explains what his least Smallville storyline was and why he had issues with that specific arc in the DC TV drama.
During their appearance at this year"s Fan Expo New Orleans (via Kelsey Krogman,) the Smallville cast discussed storylines from the show"s decade-long run. In Welling"s case, he brought up that his least favorite arc during Smallville"s trajectory was the Red Blue Blur saga, as the cast had the following exchange about it:
Tom Welling: I"ll tell you my least favorite was the Red Blue Blur stuff.
Erica Durance: I was going to say it"s my favorite because you hated it so much!
Tom Welling: I hated it! You saw me being just disgruntled.
Erica Durance: It was weird!
Tom Welling: I knew it needed to happen because we were... we were dying! [laughs]
Erica Durance: But it was really hard to say Red Blue Blur.
Laura Vandervoort: What was the Red Blue Blur thing?
Tom Welling: It was this stupid thing where Clark had this Alter Ego where he dressed in black, and he was like Batman. And then, as much as I hated it, and Clark really didn"t like it - I had to do scenes with Lois who keeps saying how great the Red Blue Blur is. It was just like, "What are we doing?." It was just Clark being a vigilante at night.
Source: Fan Expo New Orleans (via Kelsey Krogman)/YouTube
This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available. Smallville DC Extended Universe Follow Followed Like Share Facebook X LinkedIn Reddit Flipboard Copy link Email Close Thread Sign in to your ScreenRant account We want to hear from you! Share your opinions in the thread below and remember to keep it respectful.
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