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10 "Rotten" Superhero Movies That Are Actually Great*

Comic book movies in particular tend to be viewed unfavorably by mainstream critics, but some deemed “Rotten” by critics on Rotten Tomatoes are fantastic. Both Marvel and DC have been subject to unfairly harsh reviews that frequently diverge from audience opinions. Superhero movies often face scrutiny from critics and fans alike, especially when they deviate from expectations. Some films that receive harsh critical reviews on platforms like Rotten Tomatoes are far better than their reviews might suggest. These films may not be perfect, but they bring unique qualities that warrant appreciation.
Rotten Tomatoes compiles various reviews, combining them into a single score known as the Tomatometer. Those movies which score below 60% on the Tomatometer are labeled as “Rotten.” However, the Tomatometer frequently doesn’t always align with audience perceptions, which are tallied separately as the Popcornmeter. This is especially prevalent in the superhero genre, which is frequently dismissed by mainstream critics.

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