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10 Most Complicated Villain Origins In DC Movies*

DC has had quite a few complicated villain origin stories in movies over the years, but some of them rank above others. James Gunn"s DC Universe has already started introducing major villains from the comics. Batman"s Clayface, Wonder Woman"s Circe, and more are some of the names that have already appeared in the franchise. Before the DCU"s Chapter One is done, iconic characters like Lex Luthor and Sinestro will have debuted.
As DC gets ready to look into the future with its villains, the studio can learn from what has been done in the past. Both animated and live-action DC movies have given their antagonists complicated origin stories time and again. While some of those ended up working and even being interesting, quite a few were not received as well as hoped. Here are the 10 most complicated villain origins in DC movies — which are not ranked in any specific order.
10 The Flash's "Dark Flash" Is A Time Travel Paradox The Flash (2023) - Live-Action Close 2023"s The Flash is one of the most criticized DC movies of all time. The Ezra Miller-led project had its fair share of issues, even if its overall story was quite emotional. The Flash focused on two versions of Barry Allen, with one coming from the past in an alternate timeline.

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