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Ralph Fiennes Becomes The DCU"s New Alfred Pennyworth In Amazing DC Concept Art*

Ralph Fiennes joins the DCU as Alfred Pennyworth in fan-made The Brave and the Bold concept art that depicts him as a faithful adaptation of Batman"s right-hand man. The Brave and the Bold"s cast hasn"t been announced yet, but fan castings about Batman"s possible DCU actors have already begun. Actors such as Brandon Sklenar, Alan Ritchson, and Jensen Ackles are only a few of the most mentioned actors when it comes to the DCU"s Batman, while actresses such as Morena Baccarin and Eiza Gonzales have been nominated by fans for the role of Catwoman. Besides Batman and Damian Wayne, however, no other DCU characters have been confirmed for The Brave and the Bold.
Digital artist 21XFOUR shows what the Ralph Fiennes would look like if he played Alfred Pennyworth in the DCU. Fiennes sports a tuxedo, a mustache, and slicked back hair, which make him look like an incredibly comic-accurate iteration of Alfred. The image is captioned, "So wake up, my boy. Tell this city who you are" — a line Alfred says to a young Bruce Wayne in DC Comics" 2016 Batman #98. Check out the image below:
What The Ralph Fiennes As Alfred Pennyworth DCU Fan Art Means The DCU Reboot Presents The Opportunity For A New Alfred Pennyworth Close Alfred Pennyworth has been a staple of Batman stories not only in the comics, but also in movies and TV shows. After Michael Gough"s standout performance in Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher"s Batman movies, Michael Caine delivered one of the most acclaimed supporting performances in Batman media in Christopher Nolan"s The Dark Knight trilogy. Jeremy Irons didn"t receive enough screentime in the DCEU despite his inspired casting, whereas Andy Serkis got his fair share of time in the spotlight in Matt Reeves" The Batman. Now, the DCU presents the chance to introduce a prominent version of Alfred with his own well-developed character arc, and Ralph Fiennes seems like a great candidate for the role.

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