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Daredevil: Born Again Episode 4 Review - I Was Not Prepared For How Emotional Jon Bernthal's Punisher Return Would Be*

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Daredevil: Born Again season 1, episode 4.Daredevil: Born Again might very well be my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe series when all is said and done. Last week, Daredevil: Born Again episode 3 focused on White Tiger"s trial. I was ecstatic with Matt Murdock"s defense strategy and utterly heartbroken after Hector Ayala was murdered in cold blood by someone using the Punisher"s logo. While the episode tried to point at Frank Castle possibly being behind White Tiger"s death, it was clear there was simply no way he could have done it, and there was a far better explanation.
Thankfully, it did not become a long mystery in the show, and episode 4 acknowledged the issue head-on with the return of Jon Bernthal"s Punisher. While Frank Castle"s new MCU appearance, the first under Marvel Studios" creative direction, is my favorite part of episode 4, there are some other very interesting elements in this week"s episode. Daredevil: Born Again"s cast is co-led by Wilson D"Onofrio"s Wilson Fisk, and I very much liked how episode 4 delved into the Adam mystery and allowed us to see how the Kingpin side of Fisk is still very much present.
Wilson Fisk Continues To Make Plans As New York City's Mayor The Major Adam Mystery Has Finally Been Resolved There were some major developments on Wilson Fisk"s side of the story. I love what Marvel is doing with the character — not only the mayor aspect of it, but making Fisk as important to the show as Charlie Cox"s Matt Murdock. While Fisk was the main villain of Netflix"s Daredevil, he did not appear as much or had an extensive circle of characters around him as he does in the Disney+ series. One of my favorite characters from Fisk"s side of the show is Michael Gandolfini"s Daniel, who I feared would die in Daredevil: Born Again episode 4.
That leads to an intense moment that shows the complexity of D"Onofrio"s portrayal of Marvel"s Kingpin.
The reason is that Daniel blabbed about Fisk"s recycling ideas to BB at a club. They are friends, but BB was clearly manipulating him to get information about Fisk"s secret plans. The leak would escalate as the episode progressed, leading to a confrontation as Daniel revealed to Fisk that he had accidentally caused it. That leads to an intense moment that shows the complexity of D"Onofrio"s portrayal of Marvel"s Kingpin. Fisk is at the same time livid with Daniel"s actions but impressed by how he stepped forward. However, he will kill Daniel if something like this happens again.
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Posts 3 Gandolfini"s energetic performance as Daniel and the earnestness he brings to the role makes him a charismatic character to follow. However, Fisk has no problem threatening even those he likes. For those who he hates, then the treatment is definitely worse. Daredevil: Born Again confirms that Adam was indeed someone Vanessa cheated on Fisk with. She was drawn by his artistic side. I fully believed Fisk had killed Adam, which is why I was surprised when the MCU series revealed he kept him alive, trapping Adam in a cage. Fisk"s bloody fists from previous episodes have been explained.
The Punisher Returns To Tell Daredevil Some Hard Truths Frank Castle Is As Great As When We Last Saw Him Close While Wilson Fisk deals with his own storylines, Matt Murdock continues the threads left from White Tiger"s murder. They would lead him to the character I have wanted to see the most since the show was announced: Bernthal"s Punisher. The actor first played the anti-hero in season 2 of Netflix"s Daredevil. Sure, the Punisher is mainly known for his action-heavy appearances and how Frank Castle is not afraid to leave a bloody trail of destruction behind when he goes after a target. However, Bernthal showed the Punisher can be so much more.
What I loved the most about the Punisher"s role in episode 4 was not the dirty cops angle, but the emotional response he gets out of Matt.
I loved all the Punisher"s action scenes in Netflix"s Daredevil. However, his most effective moments were the quieter ones. When Frank opened up to Matt about his family, and the two discussed their moral codes in the show"s rooftop and cemetery scenes, I realized just how nuanced of a character he is. Bernthal is a powerhouse, and his return as the anti-hero shows he has not skipped a beat in the role. What I loved the most about Punisher"s role in episode 4 was not the dirty cops angle, but the emotional response he gets out of Matt.
Heather Glenn had already tried to get Matt to open up about Foggy"s death in last week"s episode, but the Punisher is straight to the point, forcing Matt to deal with his feelings. Frank knows exactly what buttons to push to make Matt feel what he has to in order to move on from Foggy"s death. After the two get physical, the aggressiveness makes room for an emotional moment where Frank mourns his son and Matt mourns his friend. The dynamic between the characters continues to be fantastic, and I"m excited to see where that will lead us.
Daredevil: Born Again episodes stream on Disney+ weekly every Tuesday.
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Daredevil: Born Again TV-MA Crime Action Superhero Thriller Adventure 8/10 163 9.2/10 Release Date March 4, 2025 After Charlie Cox's cameo appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home and supporting role in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Daredevil: Born Again gives Matt Murdock his first show set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Daredevil: Born Again continues the story that started in Netflix's three-season Daredevil series and sees Wilson Fisk ascend to mayor of New York City.
Cast Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Jon Bernthal, Margarita Levieva, Nikki M. James, Genneya Walton, Arty Froushan, Michael Gandolfini, Ayelet Zurer, Zabryna Guevara, Clark Johnson Showrunner Chris Ord Franchise(s) Daredevil, Marvel Cinematic Universe Streaming Service(s) Disney+ Powered by Expand Collapse Pros & Cons Wilson Fisk's storylines ramp up in interesting ways The Punisher's return is as gripping as expected The show slowly urges Matt Murdock to become Daredevil again

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