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Daredevil: Born Again Episode 3 Review - I Was Not Prepared For Another Major Tragedy In An Episode With Electrifying Courtroom Drama*

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Daredevil: Born Again season 1, episode 3.Daredevil: Born Again"s first two episodes did a magnificent job of bringing the Marvel Cinematic Universe audience up to speed on what the Netflix Daredevil series" main characters had been doing in the years since we last saw them. The episodes also had many surprises in store. While they ultimately made way for an intriguing story in Daredevil"s first project as a lead since Charlie Cox returned to the role in 2021"s Spider-Man: No Way Home, killing Foggy Nelson was certainly a divisive moment that made the ordeal bittersweet.
Daredevil: Born Again continues the high quality of its first two episodes. Last week, we had the live-action debut of White Tiger. The late Kamar de los Reyes made Hector Ayala a soulful character, with his desire to help others as a superhero contrasting with Matt Murdock"s decision to leave his days as Daredevil behind. I loved that dynamic, and I"m glad we got to see the MCU series fully dive into it with episode 3, which has all the needed elements to make it one of season 1"s best episodes.
Daredevil: Born Again Brings Classic Courtroom Drama Matt Murdock Is As Effective As Daredevil Image via Disney+ One of my biggest issues with the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law series was that its courtroom scenes were not effective in the slightest. That made me worried about Daredevil: Born Again, as Matt Murdock"s lawyer side is not only a crucial part of the character, but the courtroom scenes were also some of the very best in Netflix"s original Daredevil series. Due to that, anything less than fantastic would simply not make sense. Thankfully, I had no reason to worry.
White Tiger"s murder trial makes for an eventful storyline full of plot twists, as Matt tries to defend his client while the prosecution aggressively counters him.
After Matt learned Hector was White Tiger and still agreed to represent him, episode 3 shows how that plays out. White Tiger"s murder trial makes for an eventful storyline full of plot twists, as Matt tries to defend his client while the prosecution aggressively counters him. The Nicky Torres of it all is the most important part of the trial. Daredevil: Born Again episode 2"s ending had Matt save Nicky and tell him to go to Cherry, his P.I., to be stashed away. Despite being targeted by cops, Nicky makes his way into the courtroom.
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Posts 6 However, the corrupt officers scare him so much that the thought of what they might do to him makes Nicky so nervous that he lies to benefit the cops. At that moment, I was at a loss for words. It seemed like everything was over, as there was nothing else Matt could do. However, there was one more card to play, and I loved to see Matt take the reins of the situation, revealing Hector was White Tiger and using that to support his case. The debate about morality, using a superhero setting, is the episode"s strongest element.
White Tiger's MCU Story Ends In Tragedy The New Daredevil Series Has No Issues With Major Deaths Matt"s storyline in Daredevil: Born Again sees him shy away from being a superhero due to Foggy"s death. He has been thriving financially and even found new love and friends after that decision. That is why he can"t fathom the thought of why Hector Ayala wants to continue being White Tiger even after he is cleared of the charges and the whole world knows who he is. The philosophical debate about having the power to save lives but choosing not to do it is a strong one in this episode, and White Tiger will certainly impact Matt"s Daredevil journey.
The hour deals a great blow to Matt"s resolve and his idea that he can get justice through the legal system, not needing to be Daredevil anymore.
There is simply no way to talk about Daredevil: Born Again episode 3 without going into the tragedy of its ending. The hour deals a great blow to Matt"s resolve and his idea that he can get justice through the legal system, allegedly not needing to be Daredevil anymore. After Matt wins the trial and Hector is freed, he decides straight away to go back to patrolling the streets as White Tiger. However, an unknown person dons the Punisher"s symbol and shoots him in cold blood, killing Hector.
Since Daredevil: Born Again had already revealed corrupt cops had tattoos of a modified Punisher skull, it seems obvious the people Matt just beat in court sidestepped the law to get what they wanted. All the work Matt put in to defend Hector was in vain. White Tiger died all the same. Was it worth it? That is the question Matt will be left with upon learning of the death, impacting his thinking as the season progresses. The credits play the sounds of Hector"s favorite place in the world, a Puerto Rican beach, completing the haunting portrait.
Daredevil: Born Again episodes stream on Disney+ weekly every Tuesday.
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Daredevil: Born Again Episode 3 TV-MA Crime Action Superhero Thriller Adventure 9/10 114 9.4/10 Release Date March 4, 2025 After Charlie Cox's cameo appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home and supporting role in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Daredevil: Born Again gives Matt Murdock his first show set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Daredevil: Born Again continues the story that started in Netflix's three-season Daredevil series and sees Wilson Fisk ascend to mayor of New York City.
Cast Charlie Cox, Vincent D'Onofrio, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Jon Bernthal, Margarita Levieva, Nikki M. James, Genneya Walton, Arty Froushan, Michael Gandolfini, Ayelet Zurer, Zabryna Guevara, Clark Johnson Franchise(s) Daredevil, Marvel Cinematic Universe Streaming Service(s) Disney+ Powered by Expand Collapse Pros & Cons A thrilling courtroom battle as effective as superhero fights White Tiger brings needed debates and growth to Matt Murdock and the MCU series A tragic and shocking ending ramps up the season

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