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The DCU’s Violent New Release Has Me Excited To See What Its R-Rated Movies Will Be Like*

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Creature Commandos episode 6.The new DC Universe started with James Gunn"s Creature Commandos, and the latest episode of the animated series serves as the perfect example of what the franchise"s R-rated movies could look like. In January 2023, Gunn announced the first few movies and series in the DCU"s Chapter One. At the time, the director claimed that the ten projects consisted of less than half of the slate for the first chapter of the new franchise. Since then, DC has greenlit new projects that had not been announced then, with more rumored to be happening.
Many projects, such as the reported Deathstroke and Bane movie or the officially announced The Authority film, seem perfect for an R rating. While the Marvel Cinematic Universe took quite some time to get to its first mature projects, Gunn"s DCU is already focused on that angle from the start. Creature Commandos, the DCU"s first project, is a TV-MA animated series that does not shy away from violence, gore, and dark themes. With James Gunn confirming to Collider that multiple R-rated projects are in the works for the DCU, the franchise"s first release shows how that could work.
Creature Commandos Has Made The Prospect of R-Rated DCU Movies Look Even More Promising James Gunn's First DCU Project Is A Great Success Close James Gunn wrote all of Creature Commandos season 1"s seven episodes, ensuring that his creative vision for the DCU can be felt from the start of the franchise. I think that was the perfect choice, as the series makes the most out of its TV-MA rating to show that the new DC can offer great variety for fans, especially since Gunn himself goes from this violent series into David Corenswet"s Superman debut later this year. Creature Commandos" action scenes are some of the most dynamic in DC adaptations, with the show approaching emotional stories and character development equally well.
Creature Commandos was renewed for season 2 before the first season even ended.
I believe that Creature Commandos is the ideal example of what the DCU"s planned R-rated movies should aim for, both tone and action-wise. Creature Commandos episode 6 cemented that for me, as the show"s latest entry was incredibly dark and violent. In terms of action, the animated series went all out, with Doctor Phosphorus melting people"s faces and body parts while The Bride tore a man"s heart out of his body and crushed it as he watched and died. Those moments are pretty intense, and with Phosphorus" family being murdered and his revenge arc, they make for a dark episode.
James Gunn's Movie History Means R-Rated DC Universe Movies Could Be Something Special The Director Understands The Darker Tone Since Before His DC Days Close While Creature Commandos and the DCEU"s Peacemaker season 1 are great examples of James Gunn"s expertise with TV-MA storytelling, it runs deeper. Gunn"s movie history features multiple instances where the director brought to life engaging characters and stories within an R-rated setting. Before his latest DC entries, Gunn made his start in the franchise through 2021"s The Suicide Squad. While the film had a lot of humor, it was a violent affair, with plenty of bloody deaths as members of the titular team and other characters died along the way. Gore and mature themes filled the film.

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