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Christian Bale Had A Surreal Experience With Donald Trump During The Dark Knight Rises Shoot*

  • Christian Bale met Donald Trump while filming The Dark Knight Rises.
  • Trump seemingly thought he was meeting Bruce Wayne, not Christian Bale.
  • The lobby and entrance of Wayne Enterprises were filmed in Trump Tower.
The Dark Knight Rises took its cast and crew to different places during production, and thanks to one of those locations, Christian Bale met Donald Trump, which turned into a pretty surreal experience. Batman has had an interesting history on the big screen with many ups and downs, but Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is widely regarded as the best film adaptation of the Caped Crusader so far. Nolan’s trilogy began in 2005 with Batman Begins, introducing Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, and continued in 2008 with The Dark Knight, now considered one of the greatest superhero movies ever.
The Dark Knight trilogy closed in 2012 with The Dark Knight Rises, set eight years after the events of The Dark Knight in which the Joker (Heath Ledger) was finally caught and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) was killed, though his Dent Act helped eradicate organized crime in Gotham City. Still mourning the death of Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal), Bruce Wayne became a recluse but returned to the streets of Gotham as Batman when terrorist Bane (Tom Hardy) arrived to destroy the city. However, meeting Bane wasn’t the weirdest experience Bale’s Batman went through, as off-screen, he met Donald Trump.

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