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Caprese Salad Recipe (VIDEO)*

Caprese Salad is an easy, classic Italian salad. The combination of ripe tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, and basil are so beautiful on a platter and you will love the Homemade Balsamic Glaze.

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Watch the Caprese Salad Video:There’s a reason why everyone is obsessed with “Caprese” everything, even Caprese Skewers! It’s fresh, healthy, flavorful, and perfect as a light summer lunch. Watch the video to see how we make this super easy Caprese Salad. Get the print-friendly recipe for the Balsamic Glaze Here.

Just like our popular Cucumber Tomato Salad, this Caprese Salad should be on the regular rotation during tomato season when tomatoes are at their peak in flavor and texture. Sometimes the simplest salad recipes are the best!
What is Caprese Salad?“Insalata Caprese” literally means “the salad of Capri” which is an Italian island. Caprese salad is typically made by layering slices of fresh mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, and basil, then seasoned to perfection, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sometimes a balsamic glaze.
Fun fact: the colors of a Caprese salad match the Italian flag which is green, white and red.

How to Make Caprese Salad:
  • Start by layering slices of tomatoes on a serving platter. Tuck slices of cheese between each tomato so both are visible then tuck whole basil leaves between the cheese and tomatoes. Arrange the slices so you can see every layer.
  • Season generously with salt and pepper, drizzle all over with extra virgin olive oil, and drizzle with 2 Tbsp balsamic glaze or add it to taste.
    Serving Tip: Caprese salad is so beautiful when served on a platter. Arrange all of your salad ingredients then just before serving, drizzle with salt, pepper and balsamic (or extra virgin olive oil). Adding the salt too early will make your tomatoes release extra juice.

    Can I Omit the Balsamic Glaze?During the summer months when tomatoes (especially heirloom tomatoes) are at their peak in taste, you can omit the balsamic glaze and season with only salt, pepper, and a good extra virgin olive oil.
    The salad was traditionally made without a balsamic glaze but it adds wonderful tangy-sweet flavor and a little goes a long way. It is especially handy when tomatoes are out of season.

    Can I Substitute the Fresh Mozzarella?Fresh Mozzarella is classic to this salad. A close second option would be burrata which is creamy and mild in flavor. I would NOT recommend using low moisture or part-skim mozzarella cheese due to its tougher texture and saltier flavor.

    More Fresh Tomato Recipes:These tomato recipes will help you get the most of sweet summer tomatoes.
    • Creamy Cucumber Tomato Salad – so fresh and easy
    • Pico De Gallo – with the secret to authentic salsa
    • Marinated Tomatoes – easy way to use a lot of tomatoes
    • Canned Tomatoes – preserve those tomatoes for winter
    • Roasted Tomato Salsa – we batch cook this and freeze

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