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Jesse Eisenberg Opens Up About "Poorly Received" Lex Luthor Performance in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice*

Almost a decade after Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Jesse Eisenberg is opening up about his time playing Superman"s archenemy. The actor debuted his unique take on the businessman and scientific mastermind in the aforementioned film and reprised his role for both the theatrical release of Justice League and Zach Snyder"s Justice League.
In a recent appearance on Armchair Expert with Dax Shepherd (via IndieWire), Eisenberg discussed the reception of his Lex Luthor and the film overall: “I was in this ‘Batman’ movie and the ‘Batman’ movie was so poorly received, and I was so poorly received — I’ve never said this before and it’s kind of embarrassing to admit — but I genuinely think it actually hurt my career in a real way because I was poorly received in something so public.” He continued by explaining how being in a widely distributed film that was perceived badly affected him personally.
Though the actor had “been in poorly received things that just don’t see the light of day," Batman v Superman"s broader release meant that its impact was harder to escape. Eisenberg explained: "For the most part no one knows, but this was so public, and I don’t read notices or reviews or movie press or anything, so I was unaware of how poorly it was received.” The actor clarified that "if [an actor is] in a huge, huge movie and not seen as good, the people who are choosing who to put next in their movie are just not going to select" them.

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