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The Amazing Spider-Man 3 Brings Andrew Garfield"s Spider-Man Vs Kraven The Hunter In Eye-Catching Marvel Art*

New fan art imagines Andrew Garfield"s Spider-Man taking on Kraven the Hunter in a long-hoped-for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 movie. Aaron Taylor-Johnson is set to make his live-action debut as Sergei Kravinoff in Sony"s Spider-Man Universe on December 13, and, currently, Kraven the Hunter is the final Marvel movie in Sony"s upcoming release schedule. This leaves the fate of the SSU uncertain, though has raised speculation of a possible crossover with the MCU or even a shift in the franchise, which could finally see Spider-Man introduced alongside some of his most notable villains.
One route that Sony could take with the SSU"s future would be bringing back a classic iteration of Spider-Man to face the likes of Venom, Morbius and Kraven the Hunter. There have been calls for Andrew Garfield to reprise the role of Peter Parker from Marc Webb"s The Amazing Spider-Man duology, particularly after Spider-Man: No Way Home teamed him up with Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland. Garfield"s return as Spider-Man and possible battle against Taylor-Johnson"s Kraven has been imagined in striking fan art shared by ARIFINITY, proving this fight would be epic in The Amazing Spider-Man 3.
What Andrew Garfield’s Return Would Mean For Kraven The Hunter Andrew Garfield Played Peter Parker In 2012's The Amazing Spider-Man & Its 2014 Sequel Close Although 2014"s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was received fairly poorly, Andrew Garfield"s Spider-Man has gained new popularity in recent years. His appearance alongside his wall-crawling variants in Marvel Studios" Spider-Man: No Way Home reignited interest in Garfield returning as Spider-Man, and since Sony"s Spider-Man Universe was born from planned spinoffs of Marc Webb"s The Amazing Spider-Man movies, Garfield"s web-slinger could be folded back into the franchise easily. This could have huge repercussions for the upcoming Kraven the Hunter and the franchise"s future.
SSU Movie
Release Date
Box Office
October 5, 2018
$856.1 million
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
October 1, 2021
$506.8 million
April 1, 2022
$167.5 million
Madame Web
February 14, 2024
$100.5 million
Venom: The Last Dance
October 25, 2024
$468.2 million
Kraven the Hunter
December 13, 2024
In Marvel Comics, Kraven the Hunter is one of Spider-Man"s most powerful and longest-running adversaries. There have been concerns that Aaron Taylor-Johnson"s Kraven might never battle Spider-Man on-screen, following the pattern of other adapted villains in Sony"s Spider-Man Universe. Bringing Andrew Garfield back in Kraven the Hunter or The Amazing Spider-Man 3 presents the perfect opportunity for Peter Parker and Sergei Kravinoff to cross paths, and this could boost interest in, and therefore the success of, 2024"s Kraven the Hunter movie, though it may already be too late for this to occur.
Our Take On Andrew Garfield Returning As Spider-Man Alongside Kraven The Hunter Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man Might Not Work For The SSU Now While it would be great to see Andrew Garfield become Spider-Man again, it would be better for this to happen in the MCU, perhaps in Spider-Man 4 or in Avengers: Secret Wars. It doesn"t make sense for Andrew Garfield to be Spider-Man in the SSU, especially since we saw Peter Parker be born in the 2003-set Madame Web, which would make him nine-years-old during 2012"s The Amazing Spider-Man. Assuming Sony doesn"t abandon its Marvel franchise after Kraven the Hunter, it"s more likely someone new will become Spider-Man, and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 will probably never see the light of day.
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The Amazing Spider-Man 3 ActionAdventureSuperhero The Amazing Spider-Man 3 follows Peter Parker as he navigates life as the iconic superhero while confronting new adversaries that threaten New York City. Directed by nan, the film continues the adventures of Spider-Man, focusing on his struggles and responsibilities as both a hero and a young man.
Studio(s) Sony Cast Andrew Garfield , Chris Cooper Character(s) Spider-Man , Norman Osborn Franchise(s) Spider-Man Sony's Upcoming Marvel Movie Release Dates Kraven the Hunter
Release Date December 13, 2024 Source: Instagram

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