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10 Movies That Could Get Away With A Musical Sequel (Unlike Joker)*

A great movie musical can truly stand the test of time, although that’s only if audiences actually want the movie to be a musical, unlike what happened with the highly divisive release of Joker: Folie à Deux. The commercial failure of Joker: Folie à Deux proved that not all viewers will respond well to a musical movie sequel and that this is a major risk with a significant chance of backfiring. With this in mind, it’s interesting to note the movies that would benefit from the musical sequel and imagine how they could successfully carry forward the series" legacy.
The best movie musicals have earned their way into the hearts of viewers who connect deeply with over-the-top theatrical narrative, beautiful renditions of heartwarming ballads, and magnificently choreographed dance routines of awe-inspiring wonder. Turning a non-musical movie into a musical for its sequel won’t work with every release, but if they could pull it off, they might just be spectacular. While studios may be wary of musicals after the lackluster response to the Joker sequel, these movie musical ideas all have the power to be something great.
10 Deadpool (2016) A Deadpool musical could satirize the divisive response to Joker: Folie à Deux Close The Deadpool franchise has never been unafraid to poke fun at the conventions of the superhero genre, as Ryan Reynolds" incredible characterization of Wade Wilson’s impeccable wit has made him a firm favorite among his Marvel counterparts. With two sequels already made, as Deadpool 2 and Deadpool & Wolverine continued to take the character in hilarious new directions. This is one of the few superhero franchises that could get away with a musical sequel.
Not only would it be hilarious to see Reynolds show off his musical chops, as he previously did in the Christmas musical comedy Spirited in 2022, but it would also be a logical next step for the character. As Deadpool has continuously satirized other superhero movies, making a Deadpool sequel a musical would be a knowing reference to the backlash against Joker: Folie à Deux and a unique way to comment on the divisive nature of the Todd Phillips film. If done right, a Deadpool musical sequel would be the perfect antidote to the disappointment of Joker: Folie à Deux.

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