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Creature Commandos Episode 3 Easter Eggs And DC References Explained*

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Creature Commandos episode 3, "Cheers To The Tin Man"Creature Commandos episode 3 features a collection of exciting Easter eggs and references. While the new episode is predominantly focused on G.I. Robot and his origins, there"s also some key connection to the new DCU at large beyond the automated soldier and his fellow monsters that make up Amanda Waller"s Task Force M. This includes some major teams, locations, and some of the weirdest DC characters of all time becoming canon.
As seen in Creature Commandos episode 3, the origins of G.I. Robot are explored, particularly his time during WWII and after when the United States no longer had a purpose for an automated Nazi-killing soldier. Exploring how he came to one of Amanda Waller"s operatives, the journey and ultimate fate of G.I. Robot is as tragic as it is exciting considering his connection to the greater DCU. To that end, here are the biggest Easter eggs and DC references to be found in Creature Commandos episode 3.
7 Sgt. Rock & Easy Company "Cheers To The Tin Man!" Close Created to help win the war against the Nazis, G.I. Robot is shown fighting alongside Sgt. Rock and Easy Company, eventually being embraced by the men as "The Tin Man". Sgt. Rock and his men are classic DC Comics creations of the late 50s. While they weren"t superhero characters, Sgt. Rock in particular did have a few brief interactions with the likes of Batman and Superman in the original comics. Likewise, G.I. Robot does name several soldiers of Easy Company by name, each of them being actual members from the comics who served under Rock: Bulldozer, Little Sure Shot, Wildman, Canary, Four-Eyes, and Bogman.

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