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7 Years After Avengers: Endgame, Marvel Has The Opportunity To Pay Off One Of The MCU Movie"s Best Comics" References*

7 years later, the MCU has a prime opportunity to pay off one of Avengers: Endgame"s best comics references. As a major surprise, it was recently reported that Chris Evans is set to return to the MCU in the next Avengers movie. As such, the upcoming MCU crossover could pull off an amazing connection to both Endgame and the original comics.
As was first reported by The Wrap, Chris Evans will make his MCU return in 2026"s Avengers: Doomsday. However, it"s currently unknown whether he"ll be returning as his original MCU character Captain America, reprising his older Marvel role as Johnny Storm"s Human Torch as he did in Deadpool & Wolverine, or as a completely new character like Robert Downey Jr. who"s set to return as the major Marvel villain Doctor Doom. To that end, the MCU has a great chance with Evans" return to pay off a great comic reference that was first made in Avengers: Endgame.
Avengers: Endgame's "Hail Hydra" Moment Referenced Marvel Comics Referencing Captain America: The Winter Soldier and 2017's Secret Empire Comics Event In Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers" Captain America finds himself in an elevator filled with Hydra agents during the Time Heist and mission to New York in 2012, mirroring the scene from 2014"s Captain America: The Winter Soldier. However, rather than having to fight them as he did in the sequel, Rogers whispers "Hail Hydra" in Agent Sitwell"s ear, making him think that he"s also a member of their secret terrorist organization embedded within SHIELD.
Related 10 Marvel Characters Chris Evans Could Play In Avengers: Doomsday Chris Evans is officially returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, joining RDJ in Avengers: Doomsday. But which character will he be playing?
Posts 3 An unshakable moral hero like Captain America saying "Hail Hydra" was also a clear reference to Marvel Comics" Secret Empire crossover. In the comics" crossover event, Captain America was revealed to be a secret Hydra sleeper agent, the result of the Red Skull having manipulated reality. Becoming known as "Hydra Supreme", Rogers took over the entire country and subdued many of his fellow heroes before he was eventually defeated and the original Captain America restored. To that end, this is a great comic reference the MCU can now take even further with the upcoming Avengers: Doomsday.
Avengers: Doomsday's Chris Evans Casting Could Pay Off Endgame's Reference Becoming "Hydra Supreme" For Real This Time Close Considering the current Multiverse Saga which is set to culminate with Doomsday and Avengers: Secret Wars, Chris Evans returning as a legitimate "Hydra Supreme" variant of Captain America is well within the realm of possibility. After all, Robert Downey Jr. is returning as a major villain with Doctor Doom, so why not Evans? That said, there are plenty of other characters Evans could return to play, if not the original Steve Rogers he once played. However, it"s hard to deny that playing the dark opposite of the First Avenger would be very exciting, while also serving as some excellent payoff for Avengers: Endgame"s reference.
Avengers: Doomsday is set to release on May 1st, 2026.
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Avengers: Doomsday Superhero Avengers: Doomsday is the fifth Avengers film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will bring together heroes, new and old, to face off against Victor von Doom - played by the returning Robert DOwney Jr.. Avengers 5 will also mark the beginning of phase 6 of the MCU.
Release Date May 1, 2026 Main Genre Superhero Writers Michael Waldron Upcoming MCU Movies Your changes have been saved

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Captain America: Brave New World
Release Date February 14, 2025 Your changes have been saved

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Release Date May 2, 2025 Your changes have been saved

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The Fantastic Four: First Steps
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Avengers: Doomsday (2026)
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Spider-Man Homecoming 4
Release Date July 24, 2026 Your changes have been saved

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Avengers: Secret Wars
Release Date May 7, 2027 

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