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After The DC Universe’s Latest Update, I’m Convinced We’re Closer To A DCU Batman Casting Than Ever*

New DCU updates have me thinking that we"re closer than ever to an official casting announcement for the DCU"s new Batman. Currently, Robert Pattinson is the sole live-action Dark Knight as the star of his trilogy from director Matt Reeves. However, The Batman, its spin-offs, and upcoming sequels are all set in a separate universe from the newly rebooted DC Universe. To that end, I"m feeling pretty confident that we"ll soon know who DC Studios" other Batman will be for The Brave and the Bold.
During a recent "DCU Catch Up" event with the press, DC Studios heads James Gunn and Peter Safran offered several updates on established projects that were previously announced to be in the works. They also revealed a handful of new DCU projects, including upcoming animated series like My Adventures with Green Lantern, Starfire, and Super Powers. That said, it was their comments about the DCU Batman that got me the most excited, dispelling some rumors while also encouraging me to think a casting announcement will be coming any day now.
The DC Universe's Batman Has Been Seen, But Not Officially Cast Yet A Cameo In Creature Commandos Close It"s worth noting that the DCU"s Batman has already made his on-screen debut. As seen in the animated series Creature Commandos, this new Batman is shown murdered among several other heroes in a dark vision of the future provided by the Amazonian sorceress known as Circe. Impaled upon a spear like so many other classic DC heroes, this future was thankfully prevented by Task Force M by the show"s end.

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