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Best Look at Ms. Marvel's Upgraded MCU Costume Revealed (Photos)*

Iman Vellani"s Ms. Marvel will get a new and upgraded superhero suit in The Marvels, and fans now have their best look yet at it.
The Captain Marvel sequel will unite the all-female trio of Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, and Monica Rambeau, all of which were featured on the movie"s debut poster showing off the first look at Ms. Marvel"s new suit.
Ms. Marvel Gets New Suit for Captain Marvel 2Marvel Studios has released an official new promotional poster of Brie Larson"s Captain Marvel, Teyonah Parris" Monica Rambeau, and Iman Velani"s Ms. Marvel assembled in their new outfits for The Marvels.
Marvel StudiosThe poster offers the best look yet at Vellani"s upgraded Ms. Marvel costume that will replace the suit her mother gave her as a gift in her Disney+ series" finale.
Marvel StudiosThe three heroes will all wear new superhero suits for their team-up in The Marvels, with this being the first outfit for Parris" new hero Photon.
Marvel StudiosWhy Did Ms. Marvel Get a New Suit?Many fans will undoubtedly be wondering why Kamala Khan is already getting a new superhero suit after her last one, which was generally considered excellent, only appeared in one episode of Ms. Marvel for about half an hour.
Unfortunately, as is the case with many things in the movie business, the explanation likely comes down to money. Debuting new suits and designs allows Marvel to produce new toys and merchandise based on the updated look, which will surely bring in massive revenue from the kids they appeal to.
Another reason behind the decision may have been to help the three female superheroes appear more in line with each other by sporting suits of a roughly similar design, creating more of a consistent team look.
The first trailer for The Marvels revealed that Kamala will still have her original Ms. Marvel suit when the movie begins, likely indicating she and Monica Rambeau will pick up their new costumes somewhere along their journey, perhaps on an alien world.
Only time will tell how audiences react to Ms. Marvel"s new suit when they see it in action, but one person who will undoubtedly be disappointed is Kamala"s mother Muneeba Khan, who presumably put plenty of time into making her original attire.
The Marvels hits theaters on November 10.

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