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Loki Season 2: Disney Reveals Jonathan Majors' Special Credits Amid Controversy*

Disney indicated the size of Jonathan Majors" role as Kang the Conqueror in the upcoming Season 2 of Loki.
Majors made his MCU debut in Loki Season 1"s finale as He Who Remains, a Variant of Kang.
One film appearance and an aggravated assault charge later, and the outlook on the actor"s Marvel future is much different than it was in June 2021.
Despite the Majors controversy, Season 2 of Loki is swiftly approaching with an October 6 release date and plenty of anticipation after the first season was one of Marvel"s most popular Disney+ shows.
Jonathan Majors Joins Owen Wilson & Key Huy Quan on Cast List MarvelAccording to an official release by Disney, Loki Season 2 credits main star Tom Hiddleston and many more before listing Jonathan Majors, Owen Wilson, and Key Huy Quan with the term "with."
Using "with" before listing cast members usually indicates that the actor is of great prominence and also may feature a limited role compared to the rest of the actors.
However, not all of those indications can be true. In the case of Owen Wilson, he will likely not have a limited role but is a popular actor.
Ke Huy Quan is making his MCU debut as a TVA officer and will likely have a smaller role. 
Jonathan Majors, who has a court date set for August regarding his March arrest, will reportedly appear in at least three episodes.
Will Jonathan Majors" Role Be Reduced in Loki Season 2?After being let go from several upcoming projects and advertisements, Marvel has been silent in regards to Jonathan Majors" Kang going forward in the MCU.
Based on the Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania post-credits scene featuring Victor Timely (another Kang Variant), Majors will have a prominent role in this year"s season.
However, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige"s hands are currently full with the situation. The show had already been fully filmed once Majors" arrest happened, and his rendition(s) of Kang is supposed to be a focal point of the entire Multiverse Saga.
The studio may ultimately decide to recast the character for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, but it is too late in the process for this season of Loki and Majors has yet to be found guilty in a court of law.
There is plenty the studio could alter in the editing room, giving Kang a marginalized role in the show than previously planned. This could, however, put the quality of the series in danger by retroactively leaving Majors" performance on the cutting room floor.
Marketing hasn"t truly begun for Loki Season 2, but when it does, it will be interesting to see Marvel"s strategy related to all things Jonathan Majors, Victory Timely, and Kang the Conqueror.
Loki Season 2 begins streaming on Disney+ on October 6.

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