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Disney Confirms the Unsurprising Genre of Captain Marvel 2*

The Marvels was assigned a very predictable genre description by Marvel Studios and Disney.
Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan will join forces later this year for the MCU’s next big screen outing, The Marvels.
Little is known about the actual specifics of the plot, but going off of the teaser trailer, the film follows the titular trio as they contend with a mix-up with their superpowers.
The Marvels Shocks No One With Its Genre MarvelAccording to Disney’s official project profile for The Marvels, the upcoming Captain Marvel sequel falls into the genre of “Action Adventure.” This should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with these types of movies, as the genre is assigned to the majority of Marvel Studios" movies.
For comparison’s sake, other recent MCU movies have been given the same or similar designations:
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Supernatural Action-Adventure
  • Thor: Love and Thunder: Action-Adventure
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: Action-Adventure
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania: Sci-Fi Adventure
A Fun Time To Be Had With The MarvelsThe Marvels looks to be a fun, engaging time at the movies.
For starters, there’s the coming together of three major MCU heroes: The spacefaring powerhouse, Captain Marvel, the intrepid SWORD agent, Photon, and the teenaged Jersey City fangirl, Ms. Marvel.
These characters have all gotten their chances to shine individually, but what happens when they meet? Kamala, of course, idolizes Carol - will she live up to her expectations? And fans have speculated that Monica holds a bit of ill will towards Carol, based on her performance in WandaVision, so how will this be addressed in The Marvels?
Take all that and mix in the fact that the three women literally switch places whenever they use their powers, and hijinks will inevitably ensue. This will no doubt make for some highly compelling fight scenes once they gain mastery over that particular quirk, as glimpsed briefly in the trailer.
The Marvels was initially set to arrive in theaters in July, but has since been pushed back and will release in theaters everywhere on November 10.

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