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'A Big Mistake': Netflix Daredevil's Stuntman Criticizes Disney+ Reboot*

Netflix"s Daredevil stuntman Chris Brewster revealed the "big mistake" he sees in Disney+"s Daredevil: Born Again reboot.
Even with Charlie Cox"s Daredevil and Vincent D"Onofrio"s Kingpin returning, Marvel Studios noted how Disney+"s Born Again will be "very different" from the original Netflix series, serving as something of a soft reboot.
The Disney+ revival has already abandoned several major Netflix actors and will even be missing a key crew member through Chris Brewster.
Daredevil Stuntman Raises Reboot Problems MarvelCharlie Cox"s stunt double from Netflix"s Daredevil, Chris Brewster, recently discussed Disney+"s upcoming Born Again reboot on the Ikuzo Unscripted podcast where he revealed one "big mistake" he thinks is being made.
Brewster explained how Marvel Studios "[doesn"t] want [Born Again] to be anything like" the Netflix series, so, other than the confirmed returning cast, "nobody that worked on the original series" (particularly notable crew members) will be back, which he called a "big mistake:"
“They really, truly don’t want it to be anything like the Marvel Netflix Daredevil. So, nobody that worked on the original series, other than the cast that they’re bringing back, is coming back. And I mean, there were just some truly, truly wonderful that worked on that show and I think they really added to the magic of that show. And I think Marvel’s making a big mistake, but what you gonna do?”
Ikuzo continued to question whether this decision could be reversed, however, the stunt man feels it"s "probably too late to change it now" as Marvel Studios has supposedly even notified those who worked on the original series of their intent to make Born Again something different:
“Well, it’s probably too late to change it now. Marvel has told every person working on that show that they don’t want "Born Again" to look anything like the Netflix Daredevil series… Trust me, not only did I work on the show, I was one of the biggest fans of the show."
Brewster then shared his love of the original Daredevil series and praised the project as "Marvel"s best streaming show ever:"
"I think that the Marvel Netflix "Daredevil" was a masterpiece. I think that the casting was perfect, I think that every showrunner, every person that worked on the show was genius. It was an incredible experience and, I mean, in my opinion, and what most people agree on, it was Marvel’s best streaming show ever… I think that Charlie and Vincent crushed it as their characters. I think that every person that worked on the show absolutely nailed it.”
Why Daredevil"s Crew Replacement Makes SenseWhile Chris Brewster served as the Daredevil stuntman throughout the three-season Netflix series, under Marvel Studios, those duties have instead been fulfilled by Justin Eaten - who has also doubled for John Walker, Doctor Strange, the Punisher, and even other characters in Netflix"s Daredevil.
Clearly, Marvel Studios had its reasons for leaving behind Brewster and the rest of the Netflix crew, perhaps to further clarify how Daredevil: Born Again is actually a new show with its own tone and style and not just Daredevil Season 4.
There"s no denying Brewster did an excellent job of pulling off all the original Daredevil action, but Marvel Studios appears to be going for a different style for the character"s movement and combat with more acrobatics involved, something Netflix showrunner Steven DeKnight already shared his love for.
Daredevil: Born Again is currently set to premiere on Disney+ in Spring 2024, but production is currently on hold due to the Writer"s Guild of America strike.

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