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Deadpool 3: New Evidence Points to Owen Wilson Appearance (Photo)*

A new piece of evidence may have teased Owen Wilson"s possible appearance as Mobius in Deadpool 3
In November 2022, a rumor claimed that Owen Wilson was set to reprise his role as Mobius in Deadpool 3, with it noting that the character has a "big" part in the movie"s story. 
Moreover, in March 2023, another report mentioned that Tara Strong"s Miss Minutes would join Wilson"s Mobius in the Ryan Reynolds-led threequel, indicating that the Time Variance Authority (TVA) would soon make its big-screen debut. 
Owen Wilson Spotted in London Amid Deadpool 3 FilmingDeadpool Updates shared a new photo showing Owen Wilson alongside two fans in London, the location where Deadpool 3 is currently filming. 
TwitterBased on the image, the actor is sporting the same beard that he sports as Mobius, adding more fuel to the rumors that he will reprise his MCU role in the upcoming Deadpool threequel. 
Mobius" last MCU appearance was during Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania"s post-credits scene, where he and Loki went undercover to observe Victor Timely. 
How Owen Wilson"s Mobius Fits in Deadpool 3 (Theory)While Marvel Studios has yet to confirm Owen Wilson"s involvement in the upcoming MCU movie, this latest image is definitely a strong piece of evidence that the actor could appear as Mobius in Deadpool 3
Still, there"s a chance that he is in London to do press or promos for his upcoming film, Haunted Mansion, which premieres this month. 
Given that Deadpool 3 is set to tackle the Multiverse due to Hugh Jackman"s return as Wolverine, the inclusion of the TVA into the movie"s plot is quite fitting, considering that the organization may be suited to keep Wade Wilson in check. 
It"s possible that Mobius will be the assigned TVA agent to handle Deadpool"s Multiversal shenanigans. 
Considering Mobius" experience with Tom Hiddleston"s God of Mischief during Loki Season 1, it"s safe to assume that he is the perfect TVA agent for the job. 
Deadpool 3 is set to premiere in theaters on May 3, 2024.

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