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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Teases Donald Glover's Major MCU Return*

The MCU Prowler, played by Donald Glover, could be returning in a big way following his cameo appearance in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
Glover made his Marvel Studios debut in 2017"s Spider-Man: Homecoming as Aaron Davis, known best as Miles Morales" Uncle who also happens to play the antihero Prowler.
The Homecoming appearance was a clear wink and nod to the idea of Miles one day making a live-action debut in the MCU. It was also an intriguing cameo following an online campaign for Glover to play Spider-Man for the rebooted The Amazing Spider-Man movies.
Following his brief appearance in Spider-Verse 2, the door is now open for the MCU Prowler to make his proper in-universe live-action debut.
How The Prowler Could Return to the MCU Sony Pictures AnimationThe surprise of Donald Glover"s Prowler being captured in the Spider Society swung the door open for future appearances in the MCU.
The reason why fans can be confident that Glover could play Aaron Davis in Marvel Studios" universe is because he was referred to as the "MCU Prowler" in concept art. 
This leads many to believe that the version of Aaron Davis seen in Homecoming and the one who made a cameo in Across the Spider-Verse are the same guy.
Sony Pictures AnimationBased on the Prowler being locked up, this would mean that he has been active within the MCU and had gotten the attention of a Spider-Man along the way.
While Glover"s willingness to come back for a brief appearance is promising, producer Phil Lord explained that there was no further commitment beyond that film.
How Does The Prowler fit in the MCU? Donald GloverDespite no official update on a Spider-Man 4, Tom Holland"s Spider-Man is set to return in the MCU.
This could lead to the expansion of Spider-People within the cinematic universe as Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures likely continue their working relationship (which has been a roller coaster since it began in 2016).
An active Prowler roaming the streets of the MCU could take fans on another journey to Brooklyn, but this time in live-action. An MCU Miles Morales story is a safe bet as the character has only gotten more popular since his comic book debut in 2011.
Bringing Miles Morales into the fold alongside Tom Holland"s Peter Parker could be a unique way of continuing this story following an entire trilogy directed by Jon Watts.
Donald Glover"s The Prowler could play a prominent role in a crossover film, or the inevitable live-action Spider-Man movie focusing on Mile Morales.
There"s also a chance that Miles and his Uncle Aaron are a part of Sony"s Spider-Man Universe which consists of Venom, Morbius, and will soon feature Madame Web and Kraven the Hunter.
Regardless of when it is, Glover"s iteration of the Prowler could play a key role in getting the first-ever live-action Miles Morales story. Even if Miles weren"t to show up in the next Spider-Man, if the MCU Prowler is there it could be a smooth way to bring in another Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is now streaming on Netflix.

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