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Venom 3 Gets Exciting Filming Update: When Will It Release?*

The Sony Spider-Man Universe continues to expand, and according to a new update, the franchise"s first threequel could begin filming later this year. 
After the success of Venom and Venom: Let There Be Carnage, a potential Venom 3 felt inevitable. 
The film was officially greenlit back in April 2022 and has been teased as a "last dance" for franchise star Tom Hardy. Since then the project has remained relatively quiet aside from the news that writer and producer of the first two films, Kelly Marcel, would be taking on directing duties. 
Now, after months of near-radio silence, fans of Sony"s symbiote finally have something to get excited about. 
Venom 3 Gets a Production Start MarvelVenom 3 will begin shooting in just a few months, according to industry insider Daniel Richtman. 
In his latest Patreon post, Richtman wrote that the Sony Pictures threequel is set to film from June to September in England. 
Thus far, with the other two Tom Hardy-led Venom films, production has usually officially kicked off around a year out from the film"s eventual (or planned) release. 
Venom began production in late October 2017, with the movie"s theatrical debut on  October 5, 2018. 
Let There Be Carnage began filming on November 15, 2019, with an originally planned release date of October 2, 2020. This release would be pushed back a year to October 1, 2021 due to lengthy reshoots on the project as well as the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. 
If Venom 3 were to stick with the franchise"s trend of fall releases, that would mean the threequel is likely aiming for October 2024. However, with production on the latest super-powered epic starting a few months earlier than its predecessors, that could be a sign of Sony Pictures eyeing a Summer 2024 release for the project. 
When Will Venom 3 Be Released? Right now it is looking like Venom 3 will hit theater screens in the second half of 2024.
Sony Pictures has seen plenty of success with that October release window and the Venom franchise, raking in over $1.4 billion across the two films at the box office. 
However, a switch to the summer blockbuster season could prove to be beneficial for the symbiotic threequel. Sony Pictures has only four movies officially marked down on its slate for next year, with three Spider-man related projects all coming out before the end of March 2024 (El Muerto, Madame Web, and Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse). 
The only other film on the 2024 Sony slate at this point is Garfield which comes out on May 24. That means if the studio wanted Venom 3 to be a Summer movie, there is ample opportunity to make that so. 
The one thing that the Sony brass will have to determine is, were the first two Venom films successes because of their Fall releases, or could the franchise be even more of a box office juggernaut during the Summer blockbuster season. 

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