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First Photo from WandaVision’s Agatha Spin-off Set Shared by MCU Actor*

MCU fans got their first look into production on the upcoming WandaVision spin-off series, Agatha: Coven of Chaos, on Disney+.
While WandaVision won’t officially get a second season on Disney+, its story is confirmed to continue in Kathryn Hahn’s solo Agatha Harkness series as she reprises her villainous role. It’s even been confirmed that more than half a dozen stars from the original series will be back on screen for Coven of Chaos, seemingly picking up Agatha"s story right where it left off after being put under Wanda Maximoff"s spell.
Even though Coven of Chaos" release date is still somewhat up in the air, filming officially began for the series at the tail end of 2022, putting Hahn back in her witch"s garb for her second starring appearance in the MCU.
Now, that filming status was confirmed thanks to the first official look into what"s happening on set for Agatha and company.
First Set Photo From Agatha Disney+ SeriesMCU newcomer Joe Locke shared the first behind-the-scenes set photo from the upcoming Agatha: Coven of Chaos series in his Instagram stories.
While nothing specific can be seen from the show itself, Locke shared an image of a set chair that reads "Agnes of Westview" on the back, referencing the time that Agatha Harkness spent playing the role of Agnes during WandaVision.
He also included the caption "Ahhhh what is happening" followed by the "mind blown" emoji:
InstagramWhen Will Kathryn Hahn Return to the MCU on Disney+?As is the case with all early set photos from the MCU, this look from Joe Locke doesn"t give a ton of information away as he gets set to play a co-leading role in this exciting Marvel spin-off. However, one interesting nugget came to light with the text that"s on the back of the chair in this image, which reads "Agatha of Westview."
On the one hand, this could simply be a fun way for the actors to get into the mind frame they need to film the show if all the chairs have the stars" character names along with Westview on them. But considering what Marvel has already done in the last few months, it could also signal another name change for the series after it was already changed once from Agatha: House of Harkness during San Diego Comic-Con 2022.
This also adds to the growing list of mysteries surrounding Kathryn Hahn"s eagerly-awaited MCU return, which starts with when exactly the show will hit Disney+.
A recent rumor indicated that Agatha: Coven of Chaos might not actually debut on Disney+ until 2025, pushing the show back over a full year from its original Winter 2023/2024 release window. This could fall in line with Disney wanting to decrease its output of superhero projects over the coming years after nine MCU projects premiered in 2021 and six more came in 2022, thereby hopefully increasing the quality of each project production-wise.
While nothing has been confirmed on that front yet, seeing the series begin filming is an exciting development in and of itself as fans get ready for one of the brightest new stars from the Phase 4 slate.
Agatha: Coven of Chaos is currently filming, and it"s set to debut on Disney+ at the end of 2023.

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