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Marvel Studios Signs New Deal With Avengers 6 Writer | The Direct*

It has been revealed that Avengers: Secret Wars writer Michael Waldron signed a new deal to continue his work with Marvel Studios. 
Waldron has writing credits on the 2021 Disney+ series Loki and 2022"s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and he is currently penning the script for the Multiverse Saga-ending Avengers 6.
Waldron has been clear that he loves working with Marvel Studios, previously teasing that he"d "love to stay in that world" for as long as he can. 
He was even set to help Kevin Feige with his Star Wars film before that project was recently axed at Lucasfilm. So, to say Disney has taken a liking to the screenwriter would be a bit of an understatement. 
Micheal Waldron Signs on the Dotted Line MarvelIn a new report from Deadline, it was revealed that Michael Waldron renewed his overall deal with Disney and Marvel Studios. 
This comes on the back of Waldron launching his own TV and film production company with producing partner Adam Fasullo, dubbed Anomaly pictures. The pair met and became close while working on Starz"s Heels, a series that has a second season set to debut sometime later this year. 
 The exact specifics of the deal remain unknown, but it likely means the screenwriter will be committed to the House of Mouse for the foreseeable future as he continues work on the MCU and beyond. 
Michael Waldron"s Future at Marvel StudiosIn a fairly short amount of time, Michael Waldron has made quite an impression on Marvel Studios and Disney at large. Otherwise, why would the studio be so eager to sign him to an extended agreement?
For those who have been skeptical about Waldron"s work at Marvel, especially since the middle reactions to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, this move should be taken as a vote of confidence for the writer. 
While the Doctor Strange sequel did not light the world on fire, it was one of the biggest movies of last year. 
The studio must have seen something from his ongoing work on the Avengers: Secret Wars script that really impressed them.
Plus given his success crafting one of the more beloved MCU Disney+ series in Loki, one can see why Marvel Studios would want to continue to be in business with Michael Waldron. 
Where he goes after Secret Wars remains a mystery, but given the studio"s enthusiasm for the screenwriter it would not be all that surprising to see him take on another massive MCU name like the X-Men.
Avengers: Secret Wars comes to theaters on May 1, 2026.

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