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Watch: LEGO Recreates 5 Iconic MCU Movies In New Look at LEGO MASTERS*

Season 3 of LEGO Masters has been airing for a few weeks now, and it"s continued the show"s library of amazing builds. Next up, the contestants will have to dip their toes in the Marvel waters.
For those who don"t know, the competition series, hosted by Will Arnett, sees teams of two joining forces to try and build the best creations within the unique parameters given to them every episode, all for the grand prize of $100,000, the ultimate LEGO trophy and the coveted title of LEGO MASTER.
The show started with 24 different talented LEGO enthusiasts making insane builds and has now been whittled down to 10.
Prior episodes in Season 3 have themed their builds around NASA, a mini-golf course, and even franchises like Jurassic World.
The next episode will see the remaining five contestant-duos aim to recreate some of the most iconic scenes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). They"ll first start by selecting one Minifigure that represents the battle scene the team will build.
FoxThe Direct is happy to exclusively debut a clip from the upcoming Marvel episode, which sees contestants Emily and Liam fight against the timer as they make their scene from Captain Marvel, where the titular hero destroys a ballistic missile, come to life.
On top of Emily and Liam"s piece, other pairs worked hard to create a diorama of their own scenes; Thor"s big "The Immigrant Song" moment from Thor: Ragnarok, the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the big monster fight from Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and Steven Strange splitting a bus in two from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
The full clip can be seen below:
The contestants were thrilled to recreate a small slice of the MCU, a franchise they were already huge fans of heading into the challenge. Liam Mohajeri Norris noted how it was "the most hyped [he"d] ever been for an episode:"
“It was extremely exciting getting to do Marvel on LEGO Masters! The MCU is one of my favorite movie series ever, so this was the most hyped I"d ever been for an episode. While we struggled with our build, I"m proud that we kept working until the last second despite how exhausted we were ten episodes into the competition!”
Liam"s mother, Emily, backed up her son"s excitement, claiming that "all of [them] in [their] family are huge MCU fans:"
“All of us in our family are huge MCU fans, so my son Liam and I were stoked to realize that episode 10 of LEGO Masters was a Marvel-themed challenge. It was an honor to get to build an MCU scene with LEGO pieces and an even greater privilege to do so with my eldest son, who represents all the best qualities of the MCU heroes in my book.” 
The all-new Marvel-themed episode of LEGO Masters Season 3 will be airing on Thursday, November 24th (9 PM to 10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

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