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David Corenswet’s Superman Is Joined By Popular Wonder Woman Fancast Actor In DC Universe Art*

David Corenswet"s Superman looks great alongside a potential candidate to play the DC Universe"s Wonder Woman in new art. Since Gal Gadot"s Wonder Woman 3 was canceled, Diana Prince"s future in live-action has been uncertain. While the character will be part of the projects in James Gunn"s DCU, there is still no movie or TV show announced for her to return. Despite the lack of new Wonder Woman updates, a few actresses have emerged as fan favorites for the role, and one of the most popular choices joins David Corenswet"s Superman in thrilling DCU art.
On Twitter, @TMatt88220 imagined what Eiza González could look like as the DCU"s Wonder Woman with David Corenswet"s Superman.
The DCU fan art made good use of a new ad shoot Corenswet and González did together for Hugo Boss. On top of the real photo of the duo, the artist drew Corenswet as Superman with his DCU costume and González in the classic swimsuit-like Wonder Woman suit. Diana Prince"s brief cameo in the animated Creature Commandos teased that could be the costume she wears in the DCU, and González pulls off the classic Wonder Woman look alongside Corenswet"s Superman.
Could Eiza Gonzalez Play Wonder Woman? Gal Gadot Is Not Coming Back As Diana Prince Close Eiza González would be an interesting pick for Wonder Woman. The actress was close to a DC role in the past, as González even went as far as doing camera tests to play Catwoman in The Batman. The role ended up going to Zoë Kravitz, with González saying that she was distraught that she did not get to play the DC character that she was a huge fan of. González has commented on playing the DCU"s Wonder Woman, but her answer was not very positive.

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