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Jensen Ackles"s Batman Gets An Awesome Batsuit, Batcycle And Yellow Utility Belt In Stunning DC Art*

The DC Universe finds its Batman for The Brave and The Bold with Jensen Ackles through new DC art. While it may not have a release date yet slotted in the DCU"s Chapter 1: "Gods and Monsters" schedule, fans are actively looking to find out who will end up starring as the Caped Crusader in The Brave and The Bold for DC Studios. With several popular Hollywood stars being suggested by the DCU audience for the Batman gig, Ackles has continued to be one of the top choices for the role.
After having voiced Batman in the short-lived animated DC franchise, the Tomorrowverse, Buffy2Ville recently shared new DCU art of what the Supernatural star could look like as the Dark Knight in live-action for The Brave and The Bold movie. In the DCU artwork, Ackles is seen fully suited up as Batman while riding his version of the Batcycle. Check it out below:
Art by Buffy2Ville What The Jensen Ackles As Batman Art Means For The DCU Close With Batman being one of the most beloved superheroes of all time, whoever ends up being cast as the next Bruce Wayne will have huge shoes to fill from the many stars who have already played him in live-action. Given that Batman is such a high-profile character for the DC brand as a whole, it makes sense that famous actors like Ackles continue to remain in high demand among fans for the role.
Since Ackles has also stated that he would love to be cast as the DCU"s Batman, it"s not a surprise that he continues to emerge in numerous fan-art pieces for The Brave and The Bold. Ackles is also no stranger to the comic book concept in live-action, as he got to dip into the superhero genre through The Boys as Soldier Boy, who is also set to headline his own spinoff series for Prime Video.
While time will tell if DC goes with an established name or a fresh face for Bruce, it would be shocking if DC Studios isn"t at least aware of the many fan-casting ideas for Batman in the DCU, including Ackles. But given that the DCU is focusing on other projects that are further along than The Brave and The Bold, it remains to be seen how long it will be until they actually tap someone as the DC hero.
Our Take On The Jensen Ackles As Batman DCU Art Based on the latest artwork of Ackles as the DCU"s Batman, it would be a major victory for DC Studios to land him as not just the lead of The Brave and The Bold, but as the Caped Crusader for the rest of the franchise. With Ackles having a great track record as both a genre and action star, seeing him as Batman could lead to one of the best live-action depictions of the vigilante. Hopefully, Ackles will get a proper opportunity to audition for Batman in The Brave and The Bold, whenever they actually start the casting process.
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