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I’m Convinced David Corenswet’s Superman Can Beat The Best Part Of Henry Cavill’s Man Of Steel After The New DCU Trailer (But It Will Be Hard)*

David Corenswet"s Superman has inevitably been compared to Henry Cavill"s version of the hero since his casting, and after a new trailer, I think the DC Universe can beat the previous iteration of the character in a key way. I was sad to see Cavill replaced as Superman. The actor never really got the best material as the character nor the screen time Superman deserved in the DCEU. Still, I"d say that Cavill is one of the best live-action Superman actors, and you could feel his passion for the DC hero every time he talked about him.
DC has moved on from Cavill, with James Gunn"s Superman movie rebooting the character for the new DCU. I believe David Corenswet was the perfect choice to lead the DCU"s Chapter One and beyond as the Man of Steel. Since he was cast, fans have been comparing Henry Cavill"s Superman and David Corenswet"s Clark Kent. At this time, I don"t think the comparisons really work because of how little we have seen of Corenswet"s Superman. However, after a new trailer for the upcoming DCU movie, I believe that Corenswet has the potential to beat a key Cavill Superman element.
James Gunn Is Trying A Fresh Approach To Superman’s Flying Scenes The DCU Superman Trailers Show How That Will Work Superman"s powers have been adapted many times in live-action. As the world"s most well-known superhero, the Man of Steel"s abilities have become classic cornerstones of DC, and every new version of the character has showcased them, with some trying to do so differently from what came before. That happens to be the case with James Gunn"s vision for the DC hero. In the DCU, Superman"s flight scenes, a key component of the character, are inspired by Top Gun: Maverick. As reported by, Gunn revealed that Superman "took a lot from films like Top Gun: Maverick."
According to the DC boss, what he means by this is keeping the action alive in the air. Advanced small drones were used to follow Superman and other flying characters in the DC movie. As a major fan of the Top Gun franchise and someone who thinks that Top Gun: Maverick is one of the best action films of all time, I can"t help but be excited by how Superman is inspired by that movie"s most thrilling aspect. I know some fans think Superman"s face looks weird in the shot seen above, but I like the fluidity of the flight.
I Think Henry Cavill Had Superman’s Best Live-Action Flight Scenes Zack Snyder Always Knew What To Do With Action Sequences While I was not always a fan of the story the DCEU reserved for Henry Cavill"s Superman, I have to praise director Zack Snyder"s work on the character"s action scenes. Snyder did a great job of representing Superman"s powers on the big screen, showing the audience the weight of every punch he landed and how powerful his heat vision was. However, I think the best representation of Superman"s power in the DCEU was through his flight scenes. Superman has had many great flight sequences in both movies and TV shows, but Henry Cavill has the best of the bunch.

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