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"I Try To Ignore Some Stuff": Daredevil"s Most Divisive She-Hulk Moment Won"t Be Addressed In Born Again, Confirmed By Showrunner*

It looks like Daredevil: Born Again will skirt around a particularly divisive moment from She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, according to showrunner Dario Scardapane. After some delay, Daredevil: Born Again will finally land on Disney+ on March 4 and pick up with Charlie Cox"s iconic New York vigilante after several cameos in various MCU productions. The trailer for Daredevil: Born Again confirms that Matt Murdock has retired from his vigilantism, which seemingly came soon after delivering violent justice in a cameo in 2022"s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law alongside the titular lawyer-turned-superhero.
While discussing how Daredevil: Born Again will navigate such cameos with SFX magazine, Dario Scardapane asserted that certain events will not be addressed, specifically pointing to the one-night stand in She-Hulk. The full quote is as follows:
"I have plenty of leeway up until I hit the larger-scale plan for the MCU. So I try to ignore some stuff [from the wider universe]. We establish a very specific Daredevil, both in terms of his dilemma, down to the suit and where we"re picking him up in his life. You can say that Daredevil is canon in the MCU, those other events [in Spider-Man and She-Hulk] happened, but some of them we are not leaning into. His one-night stand with She-Hulk may be one of those things."
Source: SFX magazine

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