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Creature Commandos Episode 6 Easter Eggs And DC References Explained*

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Creature Commandos episode 6Creature Commandos episode 6 features an exciting collection of DC Easter eggs and references. Revealing the backstory of Task Force M"s Doctor Phosphorus (Alan Tudyk), this new episode takes a fascinating look into the past of Alexander Sartorius, while also setting up the season finale of the new animated DCU show. To that end, there are also some very cool cameos from some very familiar DC faces.
Each previous episode of Creature Commandos has featured the backstory of a particular member of Task Force M. For example, Creature Commandos episode 5 featured Eric Frankenstein (David Harbour) and his history after he killed his creator, but before he began stalking The Bride (India Varma) across the centuries. Now, it"s Doctor Phosphorus" turn to have his origins revealed, connecting him to some major DC locations and characters. To that end, here are the biggest DCU Easter eggs and references we found in Creature Commandos episode 6.
10 Gotham City Making Its DCU Debut Creature Commandos episode 6 opens with a flashback sequence to Gotham City, a major first for the new DCU. This makes sense, seeing how Doctor Phosphorus is a classic Batman villain, rather than an original member of the comics" Creature Commandos. Phosphorus also inspired Derek Powers aka Blight, a villain in the animated Batman Beyond series.
9 Rupert Thorne A Major Gotham Crime Boss Rupert Thorne is revealed as a major antagonist in Alex Sartorious" origins in Creature Commandos episode 6. One of Gotham"s original crime bosses in the comics, Rupert Thorne was recently featured in Amazon"s animated Caped Crusader series as well. On the page, Thorne helped fund Alex"s desire to build a nuclear power plant, though an accident resulted in Alex receiving his nuclear powers and glowing skeletal body as Doctor Phosphorus.

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