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10 Great Ideas Wasted In Disappointing Comic Book Movies*

  • Many of the most disappointing superhero movies from Marvel and DC have included strong concepts and epic moments.
  • These ideas and scenes may have been wasted in Marvel and DC's most lackluster projects.
  • The future of Marvel and DC's live-action franchises seems to be looking up, meaning some of these strong ideas could be revisited and done justice.
Some brilliant concepts and epic superhero moments have been wasted in the most disappointing movies produced by Marvel and DC. In the last few decades, Marvel and DC have managed to bring superheroes into the mainstream with their respective live-action franchises, with some of their movies being among the highest-grossing and most popular movies of all time. However, not all projects coming from Marvel Studios, Sony Pictures, or DC Studios are so successful, yet even the worst of the bunch have included some strong moments.
Superhero franchises including the Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe (soon to be rebooted into the DC Universe), Fox X-Men Universe, and Sony Spider-Man Universe have all delivered some divisive and controversial movies. All too often, these franchises' worst films actually include moments that are pretty great, but perhaps were handled poorly, or would have been more effective in another project. Movies such as Madame Web, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, X-Men: The Last Stand, and Thor: Love and Thunder have all fallen victim to this pattern.

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