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DC Can Finally Settle A Huge Superman & Green Lantern Power Debate*

  • My Adventures With Superman season 2 has Superman fight a robot who has copied the consciousness of a Green Lantern.
  • The show could settle the Superman vs Green Lantern debate by featuring a genuine battle with elite Lanterns like Hal Jordan or John Stewart.
  • A future battle between Superman and a Green Lantern could reveal more about their powers and set up potential team-ups.
A season 2 episode of My Adventures With Superman seemingly confirms who might win a fight between Superman and Green Lantern. Although Superman is one of the strongest beings in the DC Universe, he isn't unbeatable, with both live-action and animated Superman shows underlining this fact. Superman’s durability makes him invulnerable to conventional attacks and weaponry, but he is not without weaknesses. Green Kryptonite weakens Superman and will eventually kill him. Red solar radiation can remove Superman’s powers, and Superman has no enhanced resistance to magic. Beings with comparable strength to Superman can also defeat him, in theory.
In the post-Crisis DC Comics universe, the Green Lantern Hal Jordan demonstrated that he is capable of defeating Superman through brute strength alone. While possessed by – and claiming the title of – Parallax (the embodiment of yellow fear energy), Hal Jordan briefly confronts Superman, creating a nuclear bomb construct that knocks Superman unconscious with its detonation. Hal Jordan, like other Justice League heavy hitters, rarely uses his full strength, but this moment proves that his strength is comparable to Superman’s. My Adventures With Superman, however, also proves that Superman himself is perfectly capable of defeating a Green Lantern Corps member.

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