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One Year On, Wonder Woman Just Got The Perfect Ending The DCEU Couldn"t Manage*

  • Wonder Woman's poignant ending in Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three is a fitting conclusion to her Tomorrowverse story.
  • The Tomorrowverse, though underrated, offered wonderful story adaptations for DC's animated heroes.
  • Wonder Woman's dramatic sacrifice sets the stage for a new DCU era, which is set to bridge the animated and live-action worlds.
Justice League: Crisis On Infinite Earths Part Three provides Wonder Woman a poignant ending in the franchise over a year after the tumultuous final DCEU appearance for the character. The Tomorrowverse came to an end four years after it began, with the Crisis On Infinite Earths story bringing the timeline to a close via a 2024 animated movie trilogy. While one of the more underrated series in DC's catalog, the Tomorrowverse provided a lot of wonderful story adaptations for the animated corner of the superhero genre, and brought its biggest and best heroes to life.
The Tommorrowverse timeline coming to a close with such a major comic story adaptation allowed for many major moments in its final hours, ensuring its installments ended on a high. This opportunity was extended to the cast and characters as well, with a wide selection of key figures getting their moments of respective glory as the Tomorrowverse wound down - including giving Wonder Woman a better ending than her prior DCEU timeline finale.

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