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Kevin Feige Reveals Why The Original X-Men Movies Didn"t Include Traditional Comic Costumes*

  • X-Men movies opted for black leather outfits over traditional costumes due to The Matrix's influence on movie executives.
  • Feige revealed that studio execs wanted X-Men in black leather, inspired by The Matrix's success with similar attire.
  • Classic X-Men costumes were excluded in favor of black leather due to executives wanting to replicate The Matrix's impact.
A major Hollywood blockbuster film played an instrumental role in why the X-Men movies didn't include the classic costumes from Marvel Comics.
During the recent Deadpool & Wolverine press conference that Screen Rant was present at, Feige revealed why the original X-Men movies went with black leather outfits instead of including traditional costumes from the comics. Based on its popularity at the time, The Matrix influenced the decision of the movie executives during this period as they brought X-Men to the big screen, with Feige stating the following:
There were studio execs in charge, who knew that The Matrix had been a big hit and The Matrix had black leather, so let’s put them in black leather.

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