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10 Worst Things Batman Villains Did In DC Live-Action*

Warning! The last entry in this article contains spoilers for The Pengiun season 1 finale.
The world of Batman in live-action extends far beyond the central hero, with a detestable cast of rogues and villains who have committed some of the most disturbing crimes in any comic-book adaptation, especially in the live-action movies and shows. Long before the DCU, Batman starred in live-action TV shows and films alongside having a popular comic book series under the DC Comics label. However, the version of Batman, and alongside him the city of Gotham, has gotten noticeably darker as the adaptations continue.
Adam West"s Batman was more wholesome, with a cast of colorful villains who were more goofy than ghastly. But when Tim Burton adapted the story, the world of Batman got considerably more dark and twisted. This development continued over the next four decades, taking the character to the point where he remains today in films; a Dark Avenger, and a vigilante who seeks justice through violent, unrelenting means. And as the hero shifts into a Dark Knight, so too does Gotham, and the villains, who become increasingly menacing with each new story.
10 Victor Zsasz Taking Over GCPD In Gotham Gotham is a series that ran from 2014 to 2019. As the title suggests, the show shifted the focus from Batman, and instead took a closer look at the corrupt and crooked city of Gotham. While Bruce Wayne appears as a young teenager, who has a keen skill for detective work, he is not yet Batman, and instead, Detective Jim Gordon is left to try and clean up a city with a rotten core.
But despite Jim"s best efforts, even the Gotham City Police Department is filled with dirty cops. This can be seen when Victor Zsasz turns up at the GCPD, stands up on a table, and commands the entire police force to leave so he can "handle" Jim Gordon. The city is deeply corrupt, but Zsasz plays this to his advantage as he walks unimpeded, and unafraid, into a room full of armed cops, and gets his way.
9 Joker's Magic Trick In The Dark Knight The Joker is one of Batman"s all-time greatest rivals, and so it makes sense that the character is viewed as a legend among criminals. However, when the Joker shows up in Christopher Nolan"s The Dark Knight, he appears to be a newcomer to Gotham. The established crime families have no idea who he is, and so, they refuse to give him any time or respect. But, the Joker is able to brilliantly and quickly demand their attention and establish his abilities.

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