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Keanu Reeves Gets Cast In His Childhood Dream Marvel Role In Striking Ghost Rider Movie Art*

Keanu Reeves makes for the perfect Ghost Rider in new Marvel Cinematic Universe art. Reeves is one of Hollywood"s most beloved stars. Despite never having played a live-action Marvel hero, he has done so for DC. In fact, Reeves is set to return in the near future as John Constantine for Constantine 2. However, since that is a one-off, the role would not block him from joining the MCU"s slate of projects as Ghost Rider. Since he has a personal connection to the character, as Reeves revealed Ghost Rider was his childhood dream Marvel role, his casting would be exciting.
On Instagram, artist @artbyhaxan brought Keanu Reeves" Ghost Rider to life for the MCU.
The fan art depicts Reeves with Ghost Rider"s signature leather jacket, chains, and half of his face with an unnatural look. That is merely what his appearance as Johnny Blaze looks like. The artist also shared a full-on Ghost Rider look for the actor, with Reeves" possible Marvel hero having the character"s classic fiery skull. Reeves" experience with franchises could lead to some of the best movies in the MCU if he were cast as Ghost Rider.
Our Take On Whether Keanu Reeves Could Play The MCU’s Ghost Rider There Are A few Ways For How It Could Happen Close The main reason why Keanu Reeves" casting as Ghost Rider might not happen is related to the actor"s age. Reeves is 60. Since Ghost Rider could be a huge part of the MCU"s supernatural corner, and rumors of a Midnight Suns team-up movie have been going around for the past year, Reeves might be too old to serve as the franchise"s main Ghost Rider. However, there are many iterations of the character in the comics. That means Reeves could play Johnny Blaze, with him as a veteran Ghost Rider who mentors one or more younger characters.
Related 10 Unused Marvel Superheroes That Would Totally Change The MCU With Their Debuts The Multiverse Saga and beyond can introduce a few key Marvel heroes, from the X-Men to more, who could completely change the MCU in exciting ways.
Posts With the MCU"s Multiverse Saga still raging on for a couple more years, Reeves" childhood dream Marvel role could also become a reality in another way. Reeves" Ghost Rider does not have to be from the MCU"s Earth-616. The character could come from a different universe, either aiding the Avengers or fighting them for the survival of his universe as incursions begin to happen in Avengers: Doomsday and/or Secret Wars. Since Reeves has loved Ghost Rider for years and even revealed to Phase Zero that he had talked with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, the casting could happen.
Our Take On Whether Keanu Reeves Could Play The MCU’s Ghost Rider The Actor Has What It Takes For The Marvel Hero Close Reeves has shown time and again that he is an action star. More than that, he has experience not only in superhero projects, both live-action and animated, but also with darker characters. Since Reeves is also a Ghost Rider fan and a motorcycle enthusiast, I think he has everything needed to bring to life an exciting portrayal of the character that connects with fans. I would love to see him as Johnny Blaze for a decade in the MCU, with another younger actor later becoming the new Ghost Rider after Keanu Reeves departs.
Ghost Rider The Ghost Rider franchise revolves around the Marvel Comics character Ghost Rider, a supernatural anti-hero who gains the ability to transform into a flaming skeletal figure and ride a hellfire-fueled motorcycle. The most famous Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, is a stunt motorcyclist who makes a deal with the demon Mephistopheles, transforming him into the Ghost Rider to battle evil spirits. The franchise includes two films starring Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze, exploring his fight against demonic forces and his internal struggle with the curse.

Cast Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Wes Bentley, Sam Elliott, Ciarán Hinds, Idris Elba, Gabriel Luna, Peter Fonda, Violante Placido Character(s) Johnny Blaze, Roxanne Simpson, Carter Slade, Mephistopheles, Blackheart, Robbie Reyes, Moreau (Ghost Rider), Nadya All Announced Upcoming MCU Movies Thunderbolts* Release Date May 2, 2025
Powered by Expand Collapse The Fantastic Four: First Steps Release Date July 25, 2025
Powered by Expand Collapse Avengers: Doomsday (2026)
Powered by Expand Collapse Spider-Man Homecoming 4 Release Date July 24, 2026
Powered by Expand Collapse Avengers: Secret Wars Release Date May 7, 2027
Powered by Expand Collapse Source: @artbyhaxan/Instagram

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