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Charlie Cox And Vincent D'Onofrio Tease "Sinister" Daredevil: Born Again Season 2 Story Following Heartbreaking Season 1 Premiere*

WARNING: This article includes SPOILERS from Daredevil: Born Again episodes 1 and 2.
Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk actors Charlie Cox and Vincent D"Onofrio share the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe update on Daredevil: Born Again season 2.
In a new interview with Collider, Cox and D"Onofrio were asked about Daredevil: Born Again season 2, which is now in production, and whether or not they could tease anything from the next season. According to the two MCU veterans, they have read almost every script for Daredevil: Born Again season 2, which will only be 8 episodes in the sophomore season, as they teased the following:
COX: I"ve read six of eight, and honestly—and I don"t normally say this kind of thing; I always err on the side of caution—that"s some of my favorite stuff I"ve read of Daredevil. We"ve got Dario Scardapane, who was brought in to pivot the show back at the beginning of 2024, who ended up writing the pilot and the last two episodes of this season that"s coming out. What he"s done so far with this new season is so cool and so different and so sinister, and I"m really, really excited about it.
D’ONOFRIO: I"ve read the same amount as Charlie, six, and I love where it"s going. It"s going to be quite something by the end of it, by the end of the next season. By the end of Season 2, there"s something quite amazing I feel is going to happen. We"ve both talked to Dario about the other half of it, but we"re not completely clear on it. We haven"t read the scripts yet, but they"re going to be delivered, and we"re going to read them. But I do have an idea of some of the details of what"s going to happen midway through and past, and it"s intense. It"s quite something. Like Charlie just said, I wouldn"t say that unless I felt it. It"s going to be a lot of work. We have a lot of work ahead of us. It"s going to be emotional and full of physical altercations. [Laughs] I don"t know what to say, but it"s going to be a crazy season.
Source: Collider

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