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Agatha All Along Rotten Tomatoes Score Debuts Below WandaVision (But It"s Still Fresh)*

WARNING: This article includes spoilers from the first two episodes of Agatha All Along.
The new Rotten Tomatoes score for Agatha All Along has emerged following its Marvel Cinematic Universe debut on Disney+.
Agatha All Along episodes 1 and 2 premiered this week on Disney+, Rotten Tomatoes is reporting that the MCU drama is officially 74% fresh with critics. For the audience score, Agatha All Along holds a 76% fresh rating at the time of this article"s publication. While lower than WandaVision"s Rotten Tomatoes scores of 92% fresh among critics and 87% with the audience, Agatha All Along is currently off to a solid start. Agatha All Along will be released on a weekly basis on Disney+ until October 30.
Source: Rotten Tomatoes

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