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Tom Welling’s Older Superman & Smallville’s Justice League Don Armored Upgraded Suits In Epic DC Art*

Smallville"s Justice League comes back together for a new adventure in exciting DC art that imagines an older version of the team with armored superhero suits. Tom Welling"s Clark Kent only became Superman in the final episode of the live-action DC TV show. However, he went on multiple missions with other heroes, such as Alan Ritchson"s Aquaman, Justin Hartley"s Green Arrow, and Serinda Swan"s Zatanna, throughout Smallville"s ten seasons. Some of the show"s heroes ended up becoming part of Smallville"s prototype version of the Justice League, and they now return in new DC art.
On Instagram, @buffy2ville shared what Tom Welling"s older Superman and Smallville"s Justice League could look like today with armored, modern suits.
The DC fan art sees Welling"s Man of Steel wear the hero"s iconic black suit. Superman is not the only Justice League member to appear, as Ritchson"s Aquaman, Hartley"s Green Arrow, Kyle Gallner"s Impulse (Smallville"s Flash), and Laura Vandervoort"s Supergirl all return with updated suits. While the other heroes don more armored looks, Welling"s Superman has the classic black suit, while Vandervoort"s Supergirl wears a very similar suit to one Melissa Benoist"s Supergirl wore in the Arrowverse.
What Smallville’s Justice League Would Look Like Today The DC Series Could Be Making A Comeback Close Welling and Lex Luthor actor Michael Rosenbaum are trying to get an animated Smallville sequel series made. With that in mind, it is very much possible that fans will get to see the heroes who made up the show"s Justice League return, as the actors want as many stars from the original show to reprise their roles as possible. The sequel series could spotlight Smallville"s Justice League in all its glory, as the series only had a prototype version of the team. Welling"s Superman can lead a mix of older and new heroes to the show"s universe.

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